Example sentences of "all [verb] [prep] the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The representational aspects of the five theories differ widely , but all suffer from the same problems of knowledge acquisition and inefficiency when implementations are attempted .
2 If the fish are obtained from the same area the chances are that they all came from the same parents .
3 In education no single customer is always right , people are n't all looking for the same things .
4 That has much to do with the bringing together of all participants in the one place — all staying in the same hotel , all competing at the same venue , all joining in the same events , culminating in the Barbarian Easter Tour-style tradition of each nation providing a ‘ cabaret ’ turn at the farewell banquet .
5 Everyone had seen the dead dog on the path , bloated and grey and bald where it lay in the mud , and the heaps of excrement , all teeming with the same flies that were sharing their food : and the association flooded their throats like vomit .
6 If everybody knows everybody else and they all go to the same parties , then there is bound to be a certain unanimity , if not in their judgements at least in their objects of attention .
7 How can we be sure that the topics were put to a number of people in the same way ; that is , were they all responding to the same stimuli ?
8 They were all playing by the same rules .
9 To return to Dr Johnson , this book perfectly illustrates his sonorous maxim : ‘ We are all prompted by the same motives , all deceived by the same fallacies , all animated by hope , obstructed by danger , entangled by desire and seduced by pleasure ’ .
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