Example sentences of "if it [verb] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We know if it made any note of where we 're meant to be going .
2 On a modern system this may have been replaced by a safety device called a residual current device ( RCD ) , which turns off the supply if it detects current leaking to earth , and so protects the system and its users against the twin risks of fire and electric shock .
3 Modularising is good if it allows greater choice for students , and allows them to specialise in certain parts of a rather falsely unified subject .
4 If it possesses some sort of strength — physical , chemical or armoured — it can face up boldly to its enemies and defy them .
5 Such responsibilities as education and social services are carried out by North Yorkshire County Council but could become those of Richmondshire if it wins unitary status under any local government changes .
6 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
7 The more cross-holdings there are , the less chance of success for any outside raid on Hongkong Land , even if it had semi-official backing from the Chinese government .
8 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
9 His face was thin and emaciated , drawn together as if it spent each night in some kind of linen press .
10 As she hesitated , she glanced at the loose page to see if it offered any clue to its rightful position in the book .
11 A junior conveyancer is equally obliged to his or her own client , and if it takes that member of the profession a little longer , or if they need to consult with senior colleagues before agreeing to a particular course of action , then so be it .
12 ‘ The only way that 's going to happen is if it receives wholehearted support from the clubs , ’ he said .
13 The government of Taiwan announced on May 11 that the vessel was free to dock in the country but that it would not be allowed to return if it violated international law by making unauthorized broadcasts to the mainland .
14 Unison will be formed next year if it gets similar backing from unions Cohse and Nalgo , and a secret ballot of the members of all three in November .
15 ‘ My gown will be lucky if it gets any attention at all ; you forget some of the top designers are taking part . ’
16 He could n't bear the thought of a child like Anna ever being subjected to the indecencies and ugliness of a house such as Claybury 's , and he vowed that from now on he would work only to make life for lunatics stress-free and tolerable , even if it meant less money for himself .
17 I think if it makes any difference to you we 've got a thingy whirring away there .
18 Golf development will not normally be permitted if it causes unacceptable disruption to the public enjoyment of rights of way .
19 Co-operative R&D may also reduce the costs of doing research if it eliminates wasteful duplication of R&D projects , and , to the extent that co-operating firms apply their research in a wider range of output markets , cooperative R&D ventures may undertake more productive research .
20 If it raises some alarm for ambulance provision in a scattered community like Teesdale , the implications for a town of 35,000 people like Newton Aycliffe are positively terrifying .
21 Now that allowance would be nice if it bore some relationship to what was allowed in the estimated er , figures .
22 And after scoring the derby winner against Everton in March , Rosy said : ‘ I 'd like to stay at Liverpool but not if it means another season on the bench . ’
23 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
24 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
25 Representatives of the NAC met the Guild Council on 21 October and made it quite clear that the NAC could not continue to recognize the Guild as the youth section of the Party if it retained sympathetic affiliation to the Young Communist International .
26 If music is like a language , if it communicates some kind of emotional or spiritual message , then noise is best defined as interference , something which blocks transmission , jams the code , prevents sense being made .
27 Such beauty may make a strong impact , but , if it has little relationship with the inner nature , it is precarious .
28 Thus where the discretionary fund management arm of a conglomerate receives confidential information from the corporate finance arm about Company X , the fund management arm may be prevented from using the information of disclosing it if it has actual knowledge of the breach of confidence or possibly where it ought to have known of the breach .
29 If it has less incidence of such needs , does it not follow that it should score highly in the narrow spectrum of examination results for the most able pupils ?
30 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
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