Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [to-vb] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gardeners have been inviting the public to look round their allotments to show off the advantages of organic methods of growing vegetables .
2 It was bitterly cold in the cell-like bedroom and the two girls were huddled on the bed , wrapped in blankets , with cats draped over their feet to keep out the cold .
3 But all religions have had their mystical failures who have used their experiences to prop up the ego rather than transcend it and whose behaviour has been very odd indeed .
4 Some companies , including James Capel , the stockbrokers , called in their workforces to clear up the damage .
5 PUBLICANS are campaigning on behalf of their customers to keep down the price of the pint in the Republic .
6 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
7 Because of the limits on income support payments there is increasing evidence of a shortfall between benefit levels and home fees , with resulting pressure on individual residents and their families to make up the deficit .
8 Regardless of our commitment to joint decision-making most of us will find that there are many decisions where we feel we lack either sufficient interest or qualification and are perfectly happy to leave those decisions to our partner , eg many men would feel primarily responsible for choosing a car but would prefer their wives to pick out the furniture , decorations and plan the kitchen .
9 Everyone went mad , stripping off their tops to soak up the sun , doing handstands and laying out tents and kit to dry — until the rain started again ! ’
10 Last week they got so fed up with commuters crowding round their screens to find out the train times — because the computer board was n't working — they just switched them all off .
11 Some of the lawyers and justices , resplendent in their silken robes , held nosegays to their faces to fend off the odour .
12 When in the 1880s , anxiety about the question grew more acute , and when exhortation to society members not to instruct " female learners " or to allow their daughters to take up the trade seemed to have little effect , more organized attempts were made to confront the problem .
13 Without a sound , the fire 's wicked eye changed colour as the villagers opened their doors to walk down the valley for the second sacrifice .
14 The Kremlin Armoury and the Hermitage sent their trucks to pick up the shipments at customs , and to make the rounds in their respective cities .
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