Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [vb past] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 The policeman followed him , and their shoes clattered eerily in the stillness of the now empty cathedral .
2 And although their analyses overlapped only in the margins , there was a burst of literary bitchiness when Mr Radice 's enthusiasm for the opportunties of the Common Market was excoriated by the other three .
3 For thousands of children who spend their days locked up in the shanty towns while their parents work , the streets offer freedom and escape from domestic violence as well as a springboard to prostitution or petty crime .
4 I had forgotten how beautiful the Suffolk countryside could be , even from a dual carriageway full of juggernauts from Holland and Denmark and Ford Escorts full of reps all with their coats hung neatly in the back and their Barry Manilow tapes belting out .
5 His hands held her to him and their bodies moved together in the most intimate way with no thought of denial .
6 Their lodgings lay almost in the shadow of the Stefansdom , the great cathedral dominating the centre of the city , and less than a mile from the Theatre an der Wien .
7 When they saw Frick , whom they had been told to expect , the Sturmabteilungen snapped to attention , their arms held out in the traditional Nazi salute .
8 The uniformed officers and their ladies stepped delicately in the dancing line , they bowed and curtseyed .
9 Their hands brushed again in the darkness .
10 It was true that those concerned with the enforcement of the law in this country were apprehensive that the abolition of the death penalty would be followed by an increase in crimes of violence ; but their predecessors had in the past opposed for the same reason the abolition of the death penalty for offences less serious than murder and their apprehensions had not in the event proved justified .
11 But their choices remained either in the storeroom or in the window because her father had made it a rule that the window was n't to be cleared until the day before Christmas Eve .
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