Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then of course there were the dogs , boxers : their crushed faces , their squat coats bearing the ubiquitous sign of the twisted cross , in honour of the Jews they healed with their teeth and with the snort and quiver of their jaws .
2 Boys , more than girls perhaps , face the problem of ‘ street credibility ’ with their contemporaries because of the public 's perception of a church choir .
3 ‘ Both sets of supporters have brought great credit to their clubs and to the reputation of British football by their exemplary behaviour . ’
4 They were more concerned with the consolidation of their estates and with the expansion of their personal power .
5 People were defending their opinions as to the identity of the murderer and scoffing at others .
6 mortgage payers who ‘ own ’ their houses but on a mortgage ;
7 It is now widely accepted in political science that democratic activity and representation not only consists of the electoral choice between parties and their programmes but in the contribution to policy making made by interest groups .
8 ‘ New client publishers are judged by the complementary nature of their lists and by the quality of the relationship , rather than by the potential turnover that may be gained , ’ Mr Binns comments .
9 Already out from their cars and on the road , the group of Americans and British police officers began to run towards the figure two hundred yards away .
10 The Brigades carry out ‘ acts of repudiation ’ which usually involve accosting known or suspected dissidents in their homes or in the street , chanting pro-government slogans and sometimes physically attacking them .
11 ‘ These people ca n't sell their homes because of the recession , so they ca n't separate and split their assets .
12 Such a weight of worry and terror and contempt had been lifted off his shoulders that he sometimes thought , when the end-music started up beneath the wagon and the audience began to toss like a field of corn , that he could spread his arms , if he wanted , and soar off his ledge , above their heads and round the church tower .
13 These committees act as a forum for interested parties to air their grievances and as a result enables a clearer picture to emerge of the extent of any odour problem in the area .
14 Snow and ice from their mutuations and from the part they play in nature as precipitation , agents of erosion and modifiers of climate come within the range severally of physics , meteorology , geology , physical geography , oceanography and climatology .
15 Digital Equipment Corp 's big-name appointment to head its sales and marketing organisation turns out to be Ed Lucente — nicknamed Neutron Eddie at IBM Corp after he was given the job of pushing administrative staff out of their offices and onto the road as sales and support personnel , so that the people were gone but the buildings still standing .
16 I imagine they 'll be woken at Easter by their hormones and by the sound of the Mr Whippy ice cream vans in the street .
17 ‘ They all had it in for Jonathan and they did what they could to harm him , but they were glad enough of his money , of his custom in their shops and of the work he provided . ’
18 difficulties in the learning of simple actions , such as learning to brush their teeth or tie their shoes because of a difficulty in imitating .
19 ‘ They probably feel they should sort out their lives because of the risk of war , ’ Maureen said .
20 PEOPLE suffering from HIV and Aids have been forced to leave their communities because of a lack of understanding , says a health promotion adviser .
21 During learning , and particularly during the early stages of learning , writers will need to think continuously about their movements and about the response of the pen to those movements .
22 Companies like HTV , Yorkshire , and Anglia had been forced to bid in the market place to keep their licences and in the wake of tight cost controls were becoming the most efficient in the network , he said .
23 On the anniversary of the murder , the Dixon family have said — for the sake of their parents and for the sake of a civilised society — please help catch the killer .
24 Many local authorities withdrew or reduced their contributions and for a while Unwin financed the continuation of the Committee 's work himself to publish a Second and final report in March 1933 , which made a more detailed proposal for a narrow green girdle around London .
25 STUDENTS hoping to begin degree courses next year face confusion over their applications because of a power struggle between polytechnics and universities , writes Fran Abrams .
26 That they are empty other than at times when children are out of their classrooms or outside the school premises is a constant reminder that primary-school teachers do not have time in the working day to do other than teach .
27 Private organisations , however , are not accountable to Parliament but , in the case of companies , to their owners and in the case of other corporate bodies , to their membership according to the rules of the organisation itself .
28 While it is not right that either partner should always have to give way to the other , each may have to concede at times , for both their sakes and for the well-being of their marriage .
29 Paragraph 29 of the statement of claim alleges that the third and fourth defendants and through them , the fifth defendant were ‘ knowingly concerned ’ in the breaches of section 3 , 47 , 56 and 57 in four specified respects , namely , ( i ) in authorising the transfer of a sum of U.S. $250,000 out of an account in the name of the second defendant into which investors ' money had been paid ; ( ii ) in making arrangements during the postal strike in September 1988 for the collection from investors of their cheques and for the distribution of advertisements inviting investment in Euramco ; ( iii ) in paying investors ' cheques into Pantell S.A. 's bank account ; and ( iv ) in attempting to set up an account at Barclays Bank 's Holborn branch for another company , also called Pantell S.A.
30 The importance of the role of the sickle cell centre as a source of advice for sufferers and their families and as a centre for dissemination of information to the community can not be overemphasised .
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