Example sentences of "if they [verb] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Calder and Mr. Persaud will therefore not be without remedy if they wish to pursue the avenue of appeal to the Court of Appeal and if they can persuade that court to grant them leave to appeal out of time against the relevant decision of the Visitors .
2 Make sure the secondees know whom to contact if there are any problems , or if they wish to alter the programme .
3 Partnerships will need to become knowledgeable about this situation and if they come to share the anxiety of many working in the field they should voice their concern .
4 Partnerships should carefully examine the practices being introduced into schools and if they come to share the critique of this paper , they should condemn them .
5 They go round to the the place where they work , er they go there to know if they 've done the job properly .
6 They 're living independent parallel lives , as it were , and you need to take into account housing erm and I imagine that this is a if you take the elderly , for example , one major concern is the number of old people , particularly widowed women who live alone — increasingly ca n't cope , they go into care , private nursing homes if they 've got the wherewithal , geriatric hospitals .
7 I 'm working hard , with colleagues , to provide a fair education system throughout the district and I 'm pleased to say , Lord Mayor , when the Tories talk of petty interference , it 's interpreted by our head teachers and schools as co-operation , consultation , our listening ear , yes , Councillor and Councillor , they 'll listen and if they 've got the money they 'll assist our schools .
8 So even if they made a little , if they 've got the glass cutter , made a little round hole then reached , still could n't get the window open they 'd be forced to break the whole lot and make more noise .
9 Well I mean if they 've got the key to both might have n't decided on both of them you might as well go and see them .
10 And if they 've got the fire on .
11 It generated a large volume of mail and telephone calls and frightened enough members into believing that the electoral consequences would be dire if they failed to support the president .
12 He had no great difficulty in getting together the numbers he required , and simply told them that if they failed to make the grade in training , they would have to return to their original units .
13 For instance , we can easily miss the point made by our Lord when he set a child in the midst of the crowd and declared to the surrounding throng that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they would have to become as a little child ( Matt.
14 No , I mean , it would have been fantastic if they 'd had the cash to just get on would n't it ?
15 If they had done the bank would have written back and said mind your own business .
16 If they had given the matter any thought , however , and some incident had alerted them to the dangers of being too relaxed , there was no doubt they would have strained every muscle to elude the worst poverty .
17 Other methods of evaluation could include interviewing a sample of consumers in the target market ( eg to check if they had seen the promotion , changed their buying habits etc ) , and checking on dealers ' stock-levels , shelf-space etc .
18 Asking Mr and Mrs Bloggs if they had seen the improvement in specific aspects of Fred 's work and then showing examples to back up statements made is one way of opening up discussion to avoid teacher domination of the meeting .
19 If they had maintained the commitment of the last Labour Government — 5.5% of GNP — British education would have been £3.6 billion better off this year .
20 Then , more naturally , I smiled again , thanked them , admired the present — asking if they had made the toffee themselves — and wished them , too , a very happy Christmas .
21 This was a telling comment on Francoism 's concept of " normality " and , particularly , on its view of the intellectual and political capacity of women : men who were not the head of the household in which they lived and all unmarried women were disenfranchized , even if they had reached the age of majority .
22 She says if they had lost the case it would have opened the flood gates fort many more people to claim gypsy status and demand sites from the council .
23 Getting it out and that was just an armchair do n't know what they 'd do if they had to move the settee , but erm , that 's the difference in
24 It would not have been possible for the Government of 1945-51 to get through the legislation if they had faced the delaying tactics that have characterised the progress of Bills in the past 11 to 12 years .
25 ‘ But there would n't have been any damage to my property if they had fixed the damp in the first place a year ago . ’
26 ( 3 ) In the case of breach of warranty of quality such loss is prima facie the difference between the value of the goods at the time of delivery to the buyer and the value they would have had if they had fulfilled the warranty . ’
27 No : the revolution would have come , if it was to come at all , only if the resources available to the forces for change , the unions , had been enough to enable them to seize and hold the means of production , and if they had had the will to employ those resources ; not as a thief in the night but in a scene of anarchy and dreadful confusion of which the French Revolution would have given but a faint anticipation .
28 They lived at a low level of amenity for , even if they had had the wealth and knowledge to run a specialized judiciary or a hospital service , they resisted the organizational and constitutional consequences of such institutions .
29 Richard Rowntree , the chairman of the bench , told Mr Smith that if they had taken the view that the ill treatment of his stock had been deliberate , their decision would have been a lot different .
30 But it was as if they had brought the sun with them .
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