Example sentences of "if you [verb] [adv] [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The same thing could happen if you walked out of here this afternoon there there could be a bomb s threat between A and B wherever you 're going and you ca n't even get round
2 If you end up with more than one answer , then it 's not a function .
3 If you go upstairs in there .
4 So if you go down to where you 've got new paragraphs , and just do enter .
5 If you go back in then
6 Well if you 've got if you 've got sixteen units of space , if you come over with effectively , sixteen units of your , you know , agree to supply us with .
7 It 's be a shame if you did n't at least try it out , though .
8 ‘ All this type of modern music that we play , if you think back to when it all started , whether it 's thrash , rap , disco , rock'n'roll , it all started with black people in slavery and poverty in the southern States , and about the only thing they could ever have a good time with was sex .
9 If you think only in terms of the problem of the moment and why it ca n't be solved , if you think only of what other people should be doing , if you think only of how you feel or what you want the other person to do , the chances are you will lose sight of the end-result and not actually achieve it .
10 So Jenny 's afternoon tea , if you hang on in there , I will kindly donate a slice of my apricot cheesecake .
11 If you hang about after 10pm they come over and say ‘ If you lot ai n't out of here in five minutes , you 're nicked , the lot of you . ’
12 Well it wo n't be if you sat there for too long .
13 And then if you started off in here
14 The responses I heard to that question were most unsatisfactory , the County Council 's response was , ah , well we 'll have to get together again with the group of authorities , now if you look back over how long it has taken to produce this particular strategy that 's exceedingly worrying , that means they 'll have to get together again , even if it takes half the time or a third of the time , they 'll have to get together again towards nineteen ninety seven ninety eight to be considering the strategy post two thousand and six .
15 If you move out of here one more time to go training ’ , he ended , ‘ do n't come back . ’
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