Example sentences of "if i [verb] go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd 've been quicker if I 'd gone down into Brentwood , picked up the M twenty five and gone on the A one M
2 It always looks as if I 've gone along with a sort of scalpel at the bottom of the letters as well , a sort of shaved off
3 You did say was I going to the Swimming Gala on Monday and if I wanted to go along with them to go round before , at least the granny said to go round , but I said I was n't sure what I was doing . ’
4 now if I want to go down to the sea front well I 'll shall get a taxi and , and sha n't be worrying where me next meals coming from because I 've saved it , so , so that 's , that 's no worry , I was saying to Arthur if we went to Butlins well it would take all we had , because it , we could n't go to Butlins under three hundred pounds for two of us , we could n't go anywhere else , if we go to Blackpool , our , our said to , to , to dad , I , I would like to pop to , er I do n't think we will do because , er , the hassle for your dad , but er , I 'd like to go and see aunty Annie , but I do n't want to go to Nelson to do it
5 so I du n no , if I want to go out in it , he 's gon na have to go and get somebody else , I 've got time off , I mean I 've got ta go out tonight , I 'm on me raffle , monthly raffle
6 ‘ Hey , if I have to go on with this much longer , I 'm going to start fancying you myself . ’
7 ‘ If I were Newley , I 'd want to know for certain , even if I intended to go through with the deal . ’
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