Example sentences of "if [pers pn] can not [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you can not be contacted or do not make acceptable repayment proposals within a reasonable time , we may commence or continue procedures to enforce repayment .
2 Life is truly meaningless if we can not be moved by the stories of cruelty from Bosnia , of famine in Somalia and by a simple tale like that told by Father McCullagh .
3 We who teach should not expect to be valued as ‘ professionals ’ if we can not be trusted .
4 Coincidentally , the UK Government 's Department of Health launches a ‘ Help us to help you ’ campaign , wherein sick people are advised how not to waste the limited funds available for their treatment ( ‘ … remember to cancel appointments if they can not be kept … ’ ) and reminded by the Secretary of State for Health that ‘ Our primary care system is also the source of considerable envy abroad ’ , as I was reminded again during a recent trip to Russia .
5 The mastery of skills is of little use if they can not be applied .
6 However , deterrence will exist only when young people can be locked up in secure accommodation : if they can not be locked up , all this will be a waste of time .
7 In view of the large number of requests made we are unable to advise you pre-departure if they can not be met .
8 We all know , as dreamers , that dreams are genuine experiences , even if they can not be recorded with a camera or a tape-recorder .
9 Allegations such as these are easy for the investor to make and , if they can not be disproved , may give an investor a right of action for any loss he has suffered under s 62 of the FSA , which provides a direct right of action to a private investor who has suffered loss as a result of a contravention by an SRO member of the conduct of business rules .
10 If they can not be stopped in time , mankind will surely be doomed .
11 But for those with a relatively static model of the universe and more or less fixed expectations , the discrepancies are deeply troubling if they can not be ignored or resolved by supplementary perceptual categories .
12 With a fairly short grazing season , especially in the north , recent animal welfare laws stipulate that dairy cows must not be kept indoors throughout the year but at least exercised outside , even if they can not be grazed .
13 If they can not be replaced by more adequate instruments , an electric keyboard can lie appropriate .
14 If they can not be protected by the law from this kind of material then the law should be tightened up .
15 If they can not be measured with any degree of objectivity , then effectiveness can only be judged in an incomplete way .
16 There is also the point that district society presidents are all volunteers and work very hard for the good of the district society and the Institute and it is a pity if they can not be allowed some enjoyment from their endeavours and also make new friendships which will last a lifetime .
17 Records on the prime data track , as has been explained earlier , may each cause a full revolution to be lost if they can not be processed during the time the inter-record gap is traversed .
18 The disputes procedure , that has been in place for some time , and enables us to resolve disputes locally , if they can not be resolved locally , then they are referred up through the management systems .
19 ( ALT patterns , perhaps with different boolean parameters , are distinct if they can not be reconciled to a single choice , as was done in example ( b ) above .
20 If they are not claimed by their owners they are kept for seven days after which if they can not be sold they can be destroyed .
21 If they can not be brought together the organization must be changed so that they report — possibly only for this one task — to the same person .
22 If they can not be brought together the organization must be changed so that they report — possibly only for this one task — to the same person .
23 One of these is pupils ' attitudes to the various rival innovations , if they can not be coordinated together .
24 A common foreign policy means nothing if it can not be implemented .
25 For example , modern jus ad bellum puts considerable emphasis on the right of self-defence in accord with Articles 2(4) and 51 of the UN Charter : the implication of these provisions is that any use of force , even after the outbreak of fighting , is prohibited if it can not be justified by reference to the right of self-defence recognised in Article 51 of the Charter .
26 It is rather that the whole point of a national curriculum will be lost if it can not be assumed that children at 11 will be ready for whatever is the generally agreed content of the first year at secondary school .
27 However , the position taken by the Court of Appeal loses much of its force if it can not be assumed that the House would have taken non-certified points of appeal had they been raised .
28 Below and beyond this zone behavioural responses must become the major controlling mechanism , but this becomes metabolically expensive , and must lead to exhaustion if it can not be made good by an increased intake of food and rest .
29 10.1 If either you or we are delayed or prevented from performing our obligations under this order , by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either of us , ( including without limitation any form of government intervention , strikes and lock-outs relevant to this order , breakdown of plant or delays by sub-contractors concerned ) such performance shall be suspended , and if it can not be completed within a reasonable time after the due date as specified in this order , this order may be cancelled by either party .
30 This outward aggression , however , if it can not be expressed to the object has to be turned inwards in depression , which is anger turned back upon the person .
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