Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb past] [adv] have the " in BNC.

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1 That I could express nothing if I did n't have the technique to do so .
2 ‘ Tyres could have really held me back this year if I did n't have the right ones . ’
3 This is what I was thinking , what would I have , how would I feel now if I did n't have the truth
4 Goethe once said : ‘ I would be able to commit all crimes in my life if I did not have the possibility to express them . ’
5 You could either pay ten rupees or , if you did n't have the money , you could give a chicken , or three households together could give a sheep .
6 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
7 And do you find that if you did n't have the overtime then you , you 'd be struggling with your wage ?
8 Okay , erm , just carrying on quickly it 's very hard to see how you could account for erm the stuff about reflectives and the polarity items if you did n't have the structures of the kind you get with T one and T two on verb phrases , erm and the reason 's just erm you want that kind of a symmetry between say Florence and herself between their positions in the tree and no one and anyone except you ca n't reverse them , things like that .
9 And if you did n't have the expertise to know Ah well I know what 's in there , then what the hell does that person count they 've got to go and chase somebody to find out
10 Cos if you had just if you did n't have the thing erm over the wire it would just burn right through very quickly .
11 The problem is solving all the problems , providing all the facilities in , in the situation where it 's diminishing resources , I mean we would n't be actually be carrying out this review , in the way that were gon na do it , if we did n't have the problem with the money we 've got , you know .
12 SERAFIN : You mean that if we did n't have the machine she would have to be in here taking a shorthand note ?
13 If we did n't have the video as back-up people would never believe us . ’
14 He would have to bump up taxes , or impose higher interest rates or stiffer credit controls if we did not have the security of being a monetary member of the Community .
15 Low capitalisation tended to be a factor in stifling competition , as firms were not willing to compete on price terms if they did not have the capital backing .
16 They 'd only normally be happy to do that , if they did n't have the policy in the first place , would n't they .
17 That corrosive fear has now spread through industries and professions who once felt that if they did n't have the fabled ‘ job for life ’ , they could at least be assured of adequate warning of impending unemployment , reasonable compensation , a decent level of benefit linked to their final salary , and a realistic chance of a fresh start with another company .
18 And I think well just think how many people would die if they did n't have the transfusions !
19 Some doubting townsfolk had their reservations , so Thomas offered that if it did not have the desired effect he would forego his fee .
20 Vet Steve Gillian told David and Pauline Drury and their 16-year-old twins , Beverley and Paul , the cat would have to be put down if it did not have the operation .
21 In addition to that , John Prescott was mentioned , and John could not attend the meetings that he does around the country if he did not have the facility to be able to be away from Parliament during times when erm , there are votes that need to be taken .
22 If he did n't have the licence , he could n't .
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