Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If I should tell at a tea table in London , that I have crossed the Atlantick in an open boat , how they 'd shudder , and what a fool they 'd think me to expose myself to such danger . ’
2 Well I , well I , I mean I 've had to do my homework , before I come on this meeting for you , and I , and if I can start at the back and work forwards we have got enough money .
3 The Baronne de Rochefort presented her compliments to Mademoiselle Russell , and would be obliged if she would call at the château at three o'clock that afternoon .
4 And you know yesterday she had the nerve to ask me if she could sit at the end of our table .
5 ‘ I understand your concern , Shih Spatz , but if you would look at the other file . ’
6 If you can help at the Kings Heath Festival on June 16th please contact
7 If you can help at the Moseley Festival on June 30th please contact
8 If we 're just talking about the niceties of the way these things are laid out , previous set of procedures say things like page one-o-two , page one-o-three etc , and I think that is probably good practice if you can look at a page number and so you know exactly how many pages to expect so , we can probably do that when we re-issue these procedures as well .
9 see if you can look at the lights er , what you call er ?
10 If you can imagine at the convention the bias was very much towards preserving states ' independence .
11 Different individuals work at different speeds — you are more likely to achieve most if you can work at a speed which challenges you but which is not beyond your capacity to attain .
12 After you have studied these papers , I would be pleased to know if you could appear at the public inquiry to present evidence in support of the Regional Council 's case and , in particular , on the supply and demand for office floor space in the Edinburgh area , and the poor marketability of Millerhill as a location for major office and class 4 business development .
13 I would like to ask if you could officiate at the start , and set us all off .
14 Erm , I think it , it , in the , obviously to , to support er , the , the that the building going ahead , erm will mean that the case at erm Stansted will be er containable to enabling passengers even if they are passengers erm it will be , will be absorb the public needs o of the area and the runners be erm arrived at after many , many er , er years Council planning erm does think that we ca n't contain that and er it would be possible to resist these rescued if we can remain at the figures that erm have been out at Stansted .
15 So if we can look at the relatively small numbers , albeit , I mean , tragic numbers of people who have been harmed or died , we do have to set it into perspective against risks in other walks of life and against the enormous benefits that medicines have done .
16 Soaked with it and languid from the heat , with the scent of salt and sand still heavy in my nose , I asked if we could stop at the high slope of grass off Elderberry Road .
17 Lawrence Woodward , director of Elm Farm Research Centre , a small newly formed charity set up to research and develop organic agriculture , wrote to Prince Charles asking if he would speak at the first organic food conference to be held in Cirencester in January 1983 .
18 FOR most of this year , Lee Sharpe has wondered if he would play at the top again .
19 ( b ) That there is no satisfactory address for serving the summons either because he will not give an address , or it is doubtful if he will remain at the address long enough to accept service of the summons or is unable to furnish the name of anyone who would accept service on his behalf , e.g. social worker .
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