Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What if I wish to give a sum of capital or a sum in excess of my annual taxable income ?
2 It would be best procedure if I began to answer a series of questions in a room from which Clements was excluded .
3 If I mean to mind a thing I never mind it
4 It would serve you out if I chose to use the letter in an action against you for breach of promise ! ’
5 I had taken the first step when an elderly man touched my shoulder and asked in the lilting , Spanish-accented French of the region , if I wished to view the church .
6 If I wished to raise the level it would be a simple matter of raising the lip on the top header pool where the water runs into the bottom header .
7 A couple of weeks after my appointment to the Arts Council , a letter arrived from Downing Street asking if I wished to accept the honour of a peerage .
8 Even if I fight to improve the school ( the battle began two years ago but victory is nowhere on the horizon ) my child is a child for 10 years more .
9 And if I had to choose a companion to be with me down the years I would take you as a pattern . ’
10 But if I had to choose a hunter for work in a particular type of country I should have a pretty good idea which would be the best animal to pick , though I might not be able to tell you how I went about it . ’
11 And I think if I had to choose an adjective to describe myself , I would say that I 'm a cultural historian , with a very strong social interest .
12 Batty said : ‘ If I had to miss the game , I know we still have a squad strong enough to beat Rangers . ’
13 ‘ Put it this way , there would be an entirely different figure on him now if I had to name a price , even though he is 32 in January .
14 In fact , he is not a great motivator through the actual force of his personality , and if I had to name a weakness that would be it .
15 IF I HAD to design a retreat for winter-weary travellers who want familiar hotels but in a different civilisation , I 'd invent Marrakech .
16 If I had to describe the contents of Zettel as the answer to one question I think the question would have to be : What is the relevance , for our understanding of ‘ psychological ’ concepts such as understanding , thinking , expecting , intending , imagining , seeing , dreaming , knowing , believing , doubting , pretending , remembering , and feeling , of that account of meaning which distinguishes the later from the earlier writings of Wittgenstein ?
17 Not even if I had to block the Valve for a week …
18 If I had to replace the lock myself it just would n't get done . ’
19 I suspect that if I had to find an alternative to what we 've already proposed and what we 've constantly supported , I would actually go right back to the , I would actually go right back to the beginning erm because it would be cleaner and it would be clearer .
20 ‘ Not if I had to face a helicopter journey every time I wanted to come into town , ’ he drawled , and then slowly lowered his gaze to her red mouth , murmuring , ‘ So … do you want to see the bedrooms ? ’
21 If I had to make a comparison , I can only really compare an Aeronca to some of the latest two-seat side-by-side kitplanes like the Avid Flyer .
22 I suppose if I had to make the choice , I would sacrifice skiing for the sake of the hills .
23 If I had to list the assets I was born with she would have to come top .
24 For the moment my boat was staying on Straker 's Cay , and she would only pass into the senator 's care if I agreed to extend the trial two weeks , cruise-cure into a full summer 's excursion .
25 Even if I try to change the tone of my voice .
26 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
27 If I went to manage a team on the continent I would still do exactly the same things I did at QPR .
28 ‘ Do n't drive over potholes ’ : as a cyclist , if I tried to avoid every pothole I saw , I would not be here to write this letter .
29 I was ruled out of order , I erm I there were point out then that twenty five new councillors and I understand it was n't legitimate if I wanted to restrict the vote only to those twenty five so that the rest of you would actually realise that this has gone on far too long , I only put that as a I think it is very , very important erm that we break new ground .
30 If I wanted to squander the money in six months or a year , I could do that too , but if I did he would haunt me . ’
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