Example sentences of "if [pron] can [adv] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 If you can not be contacted or do not make acceptable repayment proposals within a reasonable time , we may commence or continue procedures to enforce repayment .
2 Life is truly meaningless if we can not be moved by the stories of cruelty from Bosnia , of famine in Somalia and by a simple tale like that told by Father McCullagh .
3 We who teach should not expect to be valued as ‘ professionals ’ if we can not be trusted .
4 ‘ This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality ’ — which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical , and that the novel may not be very funny .
5 Coincidentally , the UK Government 's Department of Health launches a ‘ Help us to help you ’ campaign , wherein sick people are advised how not to waste the limited funds available for their treatment ( ‘ … remember to cancel appointments if they can not be kept … ’ ) and reminded by the Secretary of State for Health that ‘ Our primary care system is also the source of considerable envy abroad ’ , as I was reminded again during a recent trip to Russia .
6 The mastery of skills is of little use if they can not be applied .
7 However , deterrence will exist only when young people can be locked up in secure accommodation : if they can not be locked up , all this will be a waste of time .
8 In view of the large number of requests made we are unable to advise you pre-departure if they can not be met .
9 We all know , as dreamers , that dreams are genuine experiences , even if they can not be recorded with a camera or a tape-recorder .
10 Allegations such as these are easy for the investor to make and , if they can not be disproved , may give an investor a right of action for any loss he has suffered under s 62 of the FSA , which provides a direct right of action to a private investor who has suffered loss as a result of a contravention by an SRO member of the conduct of business rules .
11 If they can not be stopped in time , mankind will surely be doomed .
12 But for those with a relatively static model of the universe and more or less fixed expectations , the discrepancies are deeply troubling if they can not be ignored or resolved by supplementary perceptual categories .
13 With a fairly short grazing season , especially in the north , recent animal welfare laws stipulate that dairy cows must not be kept indoors throughout the year but at least exercised outside , even if they can not be grazed .
14 If they can not be replaced by more adequate instruments , an electric keyboard can lie appropriate .
15 If they can not be protected by the law from this kind of material then the law should be tightened up .
16 If they can not be measured with any degree of objectivity , then effectiveness can only be judged in an incomplete way .
17 There is also the point that district society presidents are all volunteers and work very hard for the good of the district society and the Institute and it is a pity if they can not be allowed some enjoyment from their endeavours and also make new friendships which will last a lifetime .
18 Records on the prime data track , as has been explained earlier , may each cause a full revolution to be lost if they can not be processed during the time the inter-record gap is traversed .
19 The disputes procedure , that has been in place for some time , and enables us to resolve disputes locally , if they can not be resolved locally , then they are referred up through the management systems .
20 ( ALT patterns , perhaps with different boolean parameters , are distinct if they can not be reconciled to a single choice , as was done in example ( b ) above .
21 If they are not claimed by their owners they are kept for seven days after which if they can not be sold they can be destroyed .
22 If they can not be brought together the organization must be changed so that they report — possibly only for this one task — to the same person .
23 If they can not be brought together the organization must be changed so that they report — possibly only for this one task — to the same person .
24 One of these is pupils ' attitudes to the various rival innovations , if they can not be coordinated together .
25 In the pre-1973 definition case of BS Brown and Son Ltd v Craik Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 752 which was accepted as authority in Aswan Engineering ( 1987 ) , the House of Lords held that goods will be unmerchantable if they can only be resold at a substantially reduced price .
26 Sometimes , if elderly relatives are living at a distance , it is not possible to be certain , in spite of advice from us , and help from neighbours with the shopping , that they are eating properly , but if they can only be persuaded to drink a pint of milk every day and eat some fresh citrus fruit , wholemeal bread , cheese or eggs , margarine or butter and a bowl of bran cereal , we shall know that they can not come to any serious harm from a dietary point of view , even though a much more varied diet would be more suitable .
27 But if they can only be anticipated at the end of one of the odd periods , they will have an effect on real output because prices are fixed .
28 This can be achieved by ensuring that we fall within the exemption contained in Section 60(1) of the Companies Act , which states that an offer or invitation is not to be treated as made to the public ‘ if it can properly be regarded , in all the circumstances , as not being calculated to result , directly or indirectly , in the shares or debentures becoming available for subscription or purchase by persons other than those receiving the offer or invitation , or otherwise as being a domestic concern of the persons receiving and making it ’ .
29 ( This is no doubt in some way concerned with the employee 's honesty. ) 2 The nature of the information itself Information will only be protected if it can properly be classed as a business secret or as material which , while not properly described as a business secret is , in all the circumstances , of such a highly confidential nature as to require the same protection as a business secret eo nomine .
30 The Clermont elections , if that is the right word , provide a startling insight into the appointment of bishops in a civitas , which , if it can scarcely be called an insignificant see , was certainly not one in the forefront of royal policy .
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