Example sentences of "if [pron] have been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I feel as if I have been wandering through this forest for an eternity , and it is some days since I have found anything to eat .
2 If I have been fishing to the north of Fetlar , I sometimes take the ‘ inner route ’ back , a rather tortuous passage through the reefs and islets where navigation has to be pretty precise to avoid hitting hidden rocks .
3 This will still be true even if you have been trained as an anthropologist .
4 If you have been hunting for the perfect diet for a very long time it will be difficult to stop , actually to believe that good weight control can be established without resorting to one special diet that you go on ( and then , and this is the snag , come off again ) .
5 For example , if you have been employed for four years and earn a basic salary of £40,000 , one hardly need emphasise the difference between the value of your rights if you are eligible just for the statutory minimum of four weeks ' notice and the scale of your claim if you are on , say , a three-year rolling contract .
6 You are entitled to a written statement of the reasons for your dismissal if you have been employed for two years or more .
7 If you have been saving under the Homeloan scheme for two years or more you may qualify for an extra £600 loan and a cash bonus of £110 , provided you buy a house or flat below a certain price limit for each region .
8 She argues that if you have been assisted by relatives yourself , this imposes a strong obligation to provide similar support for others , even if that means giving a temporary home to someone whom you do not particularly like ( p. 89 ) .
9 ( If you have been stimulated by all this consideration of hypothetical possibilities to find out what relationships actually hold between sex , job type and absenteeism , you might like to read Chadwick-Jones et al.
10 Less ambitiously , you might ask your employer to agree to repatriate you , together with your family and possessions , free of charge , if your job ends prematurely for any reason , except perhaps if you have been dismissed for misconduct .
11 If you have been asked to , observe the contents of pan and report if there is anything unusual , such as blood or a change of colour .
12 If you have been fiddling with the boot files a lot anyway , you should have no bother with this , and will be able to use the in-built editor to make any changes you want .
13 If the only or main reason for your being sacked was an ‘ economic , technical or organisational ’ one , entailing changes in the work-force — the vague Euro-jargon of the 1981 Regulations is a reminder that they were inspired by an EC Directive — your claim will not succeed if you have been treated in a reasonable manner .
14 If you have been shooting with the help of autofocus , you should have few problems with regard to image sharpness .
15 And the other point which lies beyond the reef of my comprehension : if you have been deserted by Daddy , then why react by going to bed with Daddy-substitutes , by donating la fleur de l'âge to a line-up of old gropers ?
16 If you have been working at extreme depth and then call a halt do n't block the holes up .
17 Conversely , if you have been papering over the cracks of a relationship these same eclipses will seek them out .
18 Why not get used to doing this stretch throughout the day — especially if you have been sitting in the same position for any length of time ?
19 You may be aware that there is a blood test which can tell if you have been infected with HIV , the virus that can cause AIDS .
20 If you have been attending to it for twenty four years , I came here into this church as a choir boy . ’
21 Why , then , does a contemplation of his life and work leave us feeling zestful rather than discouraged , as if we have been brushed by someone with an incorrigible belief in happiness ?
22 If we have been outplayed to any degree in the last year , the opposition scores goals and wins .
23 The th the snapshot is that we 've looked at twenty eight jobs , and out of those twenty eight jobs , if we have been working on scale fees , it would appear that we would have lost money on twenty of them .
24 As far as grants are concerned , students who apply for a place are almost certain to have used at least three years ' worth of their local authority grant entitlement while studying at university or polytechnic , and may only be eligible for a further one-year entitlement if they have been accepted at a drama school .
25 Go and see the plans for any new development if they have been lodged as a formal application .
26 It is asking readers to say if they have been misrepresented in a programme , to ‘ expose the tricks and deception used by TV to deliberately mislead people ’ .
27 I prefer to rinse the olives well if they have been bottled in brine and then to toss them in a little olive oil and leave for an hour or two before serving .
28 However , the children of your unmarried partner can not inherit from you unless you adopt them or make a will even if they have been living as a family with you both .
29 If they have been fitted to these new Foxbats , then the aircraft would have a potential complement of 6 to 8 AAMs in place of the current 4 … on top of its two wing-mounted 23mm electric cannon .
30 I assume that people are put on the list if they have been connected with an offence relating to prostitution or have been cautioned .
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