Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [det] the time " in BNC.

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1 Fashion house worker Lisa Jones , 26 , admitted looking in bins for bombs , but added : ‘ If you worried all the time , you 'd go crazy . ’
2 His kiss was leisurely as if they had all the time in the world to explore each other , and he could afford to wait for her response , confident in his own powers of arousing it .
3 He kissed her again , his lips lingering on hers as if they had all the time in the world .
4 The responses I heard to that question were most unsatisfactory , the County Council 's response was , ah , well we 'll have to get together again with the group of authorities , now if you look back over how long it has taken to produce this particular strategy that 's exceedingly worrying , that means they 'll have to get together again , even if it takes half the time or a third of the time , they 'll have to get together again towards nineteen ninety seven ninety eight to be considering the strategy post two thousand and six .
5 He said it matter of factly , as if it happened all the time .
6 If it happened all the time , I would give up the game — I 'd quit .
7 He gave one to Corbett before sitting down opposite , sipping from his own cup as if he had all the time in the world .
8 He kissed her lingeringly as if he had all the time in the world and she felt a shudder run through her at the response he was forcing from her with so little effort .
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