Example sentences of "their [noun] [noun pl] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is expected that their development plans for the new financial year will put a roof over the heads of about 7,000 people .
2 Back home at the family garage near Banbury , Richard and Thomas Tuthill are keeping things ticking over until their father returns for the big celebration .
3 As though this were not enough , a gang of Ugandan footpads then raided the homes of the newly-arrived British police training mission and made off with their video machines — plus their training tapes for the local police on how to prevent burglaries .
4 Kevin Keegan , Ian Botham , Sally Gunnell and Nick Brown , not to mention figures from the world of showbusiness , Max Boyce and Fiona Fullerton , all took their courtside tables for the running buffet which was served during the tennis .
5 Here they hope to fill their order books for the coming season .
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