Example sentences of "their [noun] [verb] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is not a recent development ; there have been mentally handicapped people for as long as there have been people , and efforts to cope with their presence have been proceeding since the last century .
2 The Dean crowd and their successors had been smoking as a regular habit ten years earlier but only now , at the height of the Vietnam crisis , when the futility of the war was beginning to dawn with the return of disillusioned young soldiers prepared at last to tell the truth , were drugs beginning to appear on the American campus scene and in London streets in any volume .
3 Loggers argued passionately for allowing cutting to continue on economic grounds , but were opposed by fishing industry representatives , who claimed that the populations of salmon on which their work depended were plummeting as a result of their breeding streams becoming silted up due to logging .
4 His wife Ann-Marie Turnpenny , of Sheerwater Avenue , Darlington , said their marriage had been going through a difficult period .
5 There is talk , still unconfirmed but reasonable enough , that Sparc cloners anxious to finally turn their allegiance to profit are pushing for the port .
6 How can England 's cricket bosses allow them to scoop all that money if their bowlers have been tampering with the ball ?
7 In any case , there was more than enough to do in repairing the faults of the existing system and correcting the injustices which they and their predecessors had been denouncing since the 1920s .
8 Eight detainees at Oukacha prison in Casablanca , on hunger strike since Nov. 26 , were on Dec. 25 granted their demands for political prisoner status , the right to family visits and the right to read newspapers ; their families had been fasting in support at the offices of the Moroccan Union of Labour .
9 Their relationship had been coming to an end and Miss Turner 's parents had arranged for her to go on a holiday to America to deter her from seeing him .
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