Example sentences of "has [be] a [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 That there has been a consistent theme to British economic policy over many years is clear ; how successfully it has been implemented within the EEC is more obscure .
2 ‘ The surfing thing has been a successful edge to the campaign , because it does have that ‘ flirting with death ’ , ‘ young men out there against nature ’ kind of angle that people stop and want to read about .
3 The number of bitter , angry , women-hating recently divorced men I have met in this way has been a real eye-opener to me .
4 Held at the Stadium Youth and Community Centre in the Shankill , the crime-busting project has been a major success to date — with eight out of 11 young people getting jobs .
5 Mrs Johnson has been a major supplier to both Sotheby 's and Christie 's this spring season , offering silver , furniture and works of art at sales both in New York and London ( some lots undesignated as to their owner ) .
6 The insights of the church growth movement in showing the impact of culture in these areas has been a major contribution to the Church 's understanding of its missionary task in recent decades .
7 Whether the share of GNP devoted to defence is 13–14 per cent or some other figure ; whether growth was 4 per cent a year throughout the 1970s , or for only half that time , military expenditure has been a major contributor to the investment squeeze .
8 Notwithstanding problems of this kind there has been undoubted improvement in VDU design and it has been speculated that trade union pressure for high design standards has been a major stimulus to companies marketing their products on the basis of user acceptability . "
9 Mr Hargreaves , single , a graduate of Bangor University and a fisheries expert , has been a regular visitor to Alaska for the last four years .
10 There has been a general shift to less visible forms of taxation such as payroll ( or national insurance ) and indirect taxes .
11 Far from Mr Atkins being considered the distant , unsympathetic figure depicted in the article , he has been a frequent visitor to the school over the past two years , giving support and advice to help us achieve our aims .
12 There has been a long resistance to accepting that , in spite of the logical stringency with which laws in science are formulated , interrelated and tested , their origin has never ceased to be the same .
13 Peter Brooks , for instance , insists that there has been a metafictional dimension to the novel since its very beginnings but now finds a new degree of emphasis among postmodernists , ‘ a greater explicitness in the abandonment of mimetic claims , a more overt staging of narrative 's arbitrariness and lack of authority , a more open playfulness about fictionality ’ ( Brooks 1984 : 317 ) .
14 ‘ Her illness has been a terrible blow to her , I know , but … ’
15 ( The assumption that large ( absolute ) shocks are less likely than small ones makes it irrational to infer from an unexpectedly high price that there has been a negative shock to , say , aggregate demand outweighed by a large positive shock to relative demand . )
16 My last telephone call was to the head of Oatridge agricultural college , which has been a great help to the agricultural community in Scotland .
17 The thinning out process has been a great shock to me , I had a higher opinion of working class thought — but it is that where the weakness lies , not in our efforts of propaganda .
18 Joe — finishing his Bournemouth shows last night before a national tour — added : God has been a great solace to me , plus the love of my fans . ’
19 Certainly the trouble in Yugoslavia has been a great surprise to many .
20 Ivan Lendl has been a great credit to the game which he has played with distinction for so long .
21 Gary Bennett ( centre back ) : Only five short of 300 appearances for Sunderland since signing from Cardiff for a bargain £80,000 , Bennett has been a great servant to the club .
22 Too often Kendall seems preoccupied with finding a place in the team for Alan Harper , and although he has been a great servant to the club over the years , Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves , and I do not mean that as an insult to Alan .
23 It has been a great joy to me that we have remained a very close family .
24 Under normal circumstances small favours of this type could be obtained by a politician with government connections , and it was only circumstances of a temporary nature which made job provision difficult for Scots politicians , such as the effective block which appeared in 1737 following the lynching of an officer of the City Guard of Edinburgh , when as a writer remarked , the hanging of Captain Porteous ‘ sticks vastly in his majesties stomach and has been a great detriment to our countray-men in getting any thing done ’ .
25 Said Anderson : ‘ He has been a great fillip to us not just with his excellent performances on the field , but throughout the club .
26 If we do , we now have a model and can say that he and his family have been through it and have borne it with great fortitude , resilience and courage — as has been said , only through their deep religious faith — and that that has been a great lesson to us all .
27 Many are extremely tense , not only since the infarct , but have been for many years , and it is possible that the inward tension that they suffer has been a contributory factor to their disease .
28 There is very little left for the government to privatise , and attention will soon swing to the NHS , which has been a financial embarrassment to the Tories for too long .
29 ‘ People are definitely spending seriously although there has been a late build-up to Christmas . ’
30 In so doing he has provided a book which has been a tremendous help to pastors in every generation since , up to and including the present day .
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