Example sentences of "has [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is an important issue which needs addressing given that commissioning authorities are not particularly accountable to the public and that an increasing proportion of purchasing power has devolved to general practitioner fundholders , who are not necessarily geographically distributed in proportion to need .
2 Sarah Schuman has joined as senior production controller .
3 The Rev David Richardson team vicar at Brayton is the new Rector of Monk Fryston and South Milford while the Rev John Roden has resigned as Diocesan Youth Officer .
4 Queen Mary 's Hospital at Sidcup has cancelled all waiting-list surgery for ‘ at least ’ five weeks after more patients than planned were treated in the first five months , producing a £205,000 overspend on top of £200,000 it has to find for under-funded pay awards and other pressures .
5 In this expansion of the policy side of regionalism , it resembles the policy aspects of planning , which should not be surprising since where regionalism as policy has had most impetus , it has originated from central planning concerns .
6 Planning a complete package of care This rather ugly term ‘ package of care ’ has come into general welfare use to describe what is often a complex solution to a client 's need for services .
7 Most of that carbon dioxide has come from burning fossil fuels ( coal , gas and oil ) .
8 None of these has come from official Church sources , a matter which surprises Mr Demos Strouthos of Prediction magazine , who is enthusiastic in his support of his advertisers .
9 A major contribution to public awareness of the modern kite has come from exceptional kite flyers with artistic ability to create multi-coloured artforms .
10 It was the in-between of that sludge-grey spring that stopped and started , flowers bursting out then drenched with sleet , blighted by snow ; skies grey and thundery , rain mean and seeping , wind a slinking greasy cur that has paddled through filthy city ponds and has nowhere to go .
11 The traditional form of interaction with the user is purely through dialogue in which written messages present him with immediately available choices , or ask him to supply values for parameters in the program ; this approach has grown from individual tutorial CAI .
12 Peter Sands , editor of The Northern Echo has written to Conservative Party chairman Chris Patten to say that if letters of accreditation or normal Press cards were acceptable , then the paper would be happy to cover ministerial visits .
13 In the light of the findings , Friends of the Earth has written to Overseas Development Minister Lynda Chalker , asking for an urgent review of the UK 's expanding forestry aid programme .
14 The NRA has applied for discretionary rate relief but Mr Clark is urging councillors to refuse .
15 The NRA has applied for discretionary rate relief but Mr Clark is opposing the plan .
16 we should tell you is that everybody here has suffered from mental health problems .
17 The freshwater pearl mussel has suffered from over-zealous pearl hunters , particularly in Scotland , where an ancient law permits tinkers to fish for them .
18 The picture has suffered from drastic cleaning operations in the past , and has been retouched at various times with oil-based paints .
19 The academic book market is already in decline with the erosion of student grants ; the spending on schoolbooks and on libraries has suffered in public spending cutbacks , and consumer cash in the current recession is clearly not plentiful .
20 Yet her range of interests , in a field that has moved from comparative policy neglect to the very centre of the community care reforms , has been wider than almost all the others .
21 As a result of the general squeeze over the past year ITN has turned to additional revenue raisers .
22 Apple Computer Inc has turned to Micro Focus Plc — who else ? — for Cobol products for its A/UX Unix : the Micro Focus Cobol development environment , available under MS-DOS , Windows , OS/2 , Santa Cruz Operation Inc Unix/386 , RS/6000 , AIX and over 500 other Unix systems , will be available under A/UX later this quarter via Micro Focus .
23 Taylor has turned into public enemy number one .
24 If the experience of the National Bus Company , which was privatised in England is taken as a model , we can be sure that privatised subsidiary companies will not index-link future pension rights for their employees in the way that TOPS has done for Scottish Transport Group employees .
25 If the experience of the National Bus Company , which was privatised in England is taken as a model , we can be sure that privatised subsidiary companies will not index-link future pension rights for their employees in the way that TOPS has done for Scottish Transport Group employees .
26 THE FOLLOWING STUDIES and case histories are intended to show the strategy that SAVE has adopted towards different building types and owners .
27 The Prime Minister gave no hint during her performance in the Commons yesterday that her language at Strasbourg will be any less caustic than the manner she has adopted at recent Commonwealth summits .
28 The Prime Minister gave no hint during her performance in the Commons yesterday that her language at Strasbourg will be any less caustic than the manner she has adopted at recent Commonwealth summits .
29 As a demob-happy Member of the House , may I ask the Secretary of State whether he realises the absolute shambles that he has made of Territorial Army recruitment ?
30 To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with Overseas Development Ministers of OECD countries on aid matters over the last month .
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