Example sentences of "been a great [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In times of hardship , as in the depression in the 1920 's and 30 's and rationing during the 1940 's and 50's , there has not always been a great choice of food .
2 He told us that during the January ‘ freeze-up ’ there had been a great influx of shelduck .
3 The hair rig has been a great leveller of angling ability and because on most waters it is self-hooking this can often lead to complacency on the angler 's part .
4 There has been a great deal of change in European Securities Exchanges , much of it on the lines of London 's Big Bang ( abolition of fixed commissions in Paris , for example ) , and much of it with a view to maintaining or gaining business .
5 With foodstuffs , for example , there has been a great deal of trial and error over many millennia to determine whether a given animal or plant provides desirable food .
6 There has been a great deal of correspondence in the trade press and the media concerning the absence of top quality vine fruits from the shops .
7 There has been a great deal of literature on the subject in the past ten years , and the situation has not remained static during that time .
8 And there certainly had been a great deal of stress and tension — almost from the first few weeks following their wedding : Lady Nancy Wyndham 's total opposition to their marriage ; her own mother 's sudden untimely death , followed by her father 's long-drawn-out and eventually terminal illness ; the total immersion of Ross in his business affairs , and — the final catalyst — the affair between Ross and his personal assistant , Marissa Kenton .
9 It is also claimed that there has been a great deal of harassment of Serbs and Montenegrins by Albanian nationalists , who hope to drive them out and establish an ‘ ethnically pure ’ Kosovo .
10 There has , quite rightly , been a great deal of discussion at this conference about the opportunities and threats presented by the new media .
11 Following South Africa 's reintroduction there has been a great deal of discussion about whether the ban on Mike Gatting and his fellow ‘ rebel ’ tourists should be lifted .
12 It is worth noting — and I say this for the benefit of my hon. Friend the Minister if for no one else 's benefit — that there has been a great deal of hyprocrisy on the part of the Labour party in Thurrock and Basildon concerning the centralisation of casualty services at Orsett .
13 This high incidence of viral infection is perhaps all the more surprising since there has not been a great deal of flu around this winter so far , and many sufferers no doubt believed that they were going to escape altogether .
14 erm I think in fact it would be better to ask Mr Bailey to explain what his concerns were erm I 'd just like to say first although initially it revolves around problems of drinking , I 'm looking at other issues of East Oxford , in that recently there 's been a great deal of concern about glue sniffing in sections there , and there have been various letters from residents in the local newspapers , and I think there 's a general level of problem for people living in East Oxford , and it 's not just that the people there want the streets cleaned up or whatever , they want something constructive and helpful to be done for people .
15 During my 20 years of practice in the law , there has been a great deal of vehicle taking , in precisely the kind of circumstances that led to the promulgation of the Bill by the Government .
16 There had not been a meeting of the accident investigation division for fifteen years and there had been a great deal of development in the civil aviation scene in the intervening period , so a meeting was called in Montreal in January and February of that year .
17 There had never been a great deal of money , but no one had ever gone hungry and the feelings of warmth and love between the members of the family had more than made up for the lack of luxuries .
18 The Navigation Acts were complicated and applying the regulations would have been harder if there had been a great deal of trade between the colonies , but in the seventeenth century most of the trade of each colony on the American mainland or in the West Indies was with England rather than with other colonies .
19 The second fact is that there has been a great deal of obfuscation and obstruction from the United States in the negotiations .
20 But since the early 1970s , there has been a great deal of controversy about it and the prevailing mood in the accounting profession appears to be that the system is archaic and needs replacing .
21 For several decades , however , there has been a great deal of controversy among Marxist scholars about the theory of modes of production , the base/superstructure model , and the relation between the structural characteristics ( including contradictions ) of a particular form of society and the conscious actions of social classes and other groups , which has led to quite extensive revisions of Marxist theory , and in some cases to a critical reassessment of fundamental concepts in the theory ( Bottomore , 1992b ) .
22 He says there has been a great deal of interest shown in the firm because virtual reality is seen as an exciting new technology with a lot of potential .
23 In recent years , there has been a great deal of interest in increasing the prominence given to science teaching during the primary school years .
24 There has been a great deal of interest in the Stirling CWIS .
25 There has also been a great deal of adulation which is perhaps even more harmful for it generates mysticism .
26 There has been a great deal of debate about the collection and use of these .
27 In both Britain and the United States there has been a great deal of debate on the question of police accountability .
28 It seems but yesterday that the Bill was given its Second Reading on 26 November , yet there has been a great deal of debate of its contents .
29 There had been a great deal of blood .
30 There 's always been a great deal of antipathy between Cheka and Securitate , but the Securitate has to kow-tow .
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