Example sentences of "been make [verb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And , despite Korda 's avowed belief in ‘ lightness ’ , little effort seems to have been made to mute the pompous misanthropy evident in the company 's two H. G. Wells adaptations .
2 However , after the event several attempts have been made to estimate the direct cost of participating in the EC .
3 Attempts have been made to link the main periods of construction with known historical events , such as the bid of Clodius Albinus for the purple , first proposed by Dr Philip Corder in 1955 , developed by Professor Frere and now accepted , with reservations , by Mr Wacher following earlier doubts .
4 A few attempts have even been made to use the feminine form as the unmarked form in English .
5 In addition to such steps , in Canada , New South Wales and Michigan , attempts have been made to tackle the non-consent requirement itself .
6 The video has been made using a highly-experienced cast of comedy actors and a top television light entertainment director .
7 The published policy of the Secretary of State was that he would not grant consent for the total or substantial demolition of a listed building unless he was satisfied that every effort had been made to continue the present use or find an alternative use .
8 In modern China an attempt has also been made to create a national art , in this instance by partly discrediting tradition .
9 In 1918 , an attempt had been made to form a British Screen Club to influence the press in favour of British films .
10 In studying these movements attempts have been made to assess the comparative abundance of each species .
11 Proposals have been made to replace the outmoded apprenticeship system by a proper training course , but they have foundered because no one is willing to put up the funds .
12 Many attempts have been made to compile a genealogical tree showing the relationships of these animals to one another and to man .
13 Buxtehude , which is studied first , is most interesting for the way in which an attempt has been made to treat a large area of a small town , ranging from centre to suburb .
14 A letter has been received by each objector stating that arrangements have been made to hold a Public Local Inquiry which will begin on 4th November 1991 .
15 An application has been made to establish a hot food shop adjacent to the chip shop .
16 In this and other ways some attempts have been made to integrate the differing traditions of music and worship .
17 This person should have been made to feel the full weight of the law . ’
18 Every effort has been made to produce an accurate list .
19 Although considerable effort has been made to develop an automatic release for the towplane , the problems are not as simple as they might at first seem and so far no really satisfactory technical answer has been found .
20 The 32-page response , ‘ Making the Right Choice — A Quality Public Service ’ , concluded that no convincing case had been made to change the present arrangements .
21 Attempts have been made to distinguish the two forms by close reading of ‘ groups ’ or ‘ sequences ’ within the collection , but such attempts either to arrange the order of the 1609 Quarto into some new scheme , or to read a consistent development within it are equally misguided .
22 The heavy wooden door had been made to stand the occasional arrow from a dissatisfied Indian .
23 Although some efforts had been made to study the world-wide distribution of plants in the eighteenth century ( chapter 5 ) , the real founder of botanical geography was Alexander von Humboldt .
24 Hardly a scientific viewpoint , but efforts have been made to review the available evidence and assess the plausibility of such an idea .
25 As the attached memorandum indicates , a large number of arrangements had been made to ensure a worthwhile programme , and representatives of all the other UK Links had agreed to attend our meeting .
26 ‘ A very positive start has been made to unlock the enormous potential of new routes to central Europe .
27 Details were sketchy as NME went to press , but it is understood that an application to Northaven District Council in the west country has been made to host a 100,000 capacity open air event , running over June 21 , 22 and 23 — the weekend Glastonbury traditionally takes place .
28 An official at the tüv said an offer had now been made to help the British company meet its rules — the ones Cameron thinks it already meets .
29 But even in the midst of these minefields , assiduous efforts have been made to fashion a safe passageway .
30 Equally it is to be welcomed that two major attempts have been made to address the general nature of Conservative ideology .
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