Example sentences of "been so [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The rest had been so well prepared for work by their previous sixteen years of socialisation that they found few problems .
2 It was no accident that Nietzsche 's move to Leipzig , implying the decision to specialize in classics , was followed by an overnight conversion to Schopenhauer ; and no accident , again , that his final acceptance of a classical career should have been so closely associated in time with his commitment , after so many years of desultory acquaintance , to Wagner .
3 SECTARIANISM has always been one of the prime causes of conflict in Northern Ireland , because religion has been so closely identified with politics .
4 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
5 And now she was frightened of him — Dr Neil , who was so kind and good , and had already been so badly damaged by life
6 These problems suddenly appeared quite separately from those dietary concerns about fats , fibre , sugar and salt which arose from the COMA report in 1984 , and which have been so widely used in food manufacturers ' advertising claims .
7 Balor had never been so rudely awoken from slumber in his life .
8 A general textbook on the law of tort is no place for an extended discussion of the specialised law relating to trade disputes but those disputes have provided most of the ‘ raw material ’ for the development of the common law and their legal regulation has been so substantially modified by statute since 1906 that some account of the legislative intervention is necessary .
9 By June 1318 the forest of Selwood in Wiltshire had been so much reduced in size that the warden 's farm of £10 a year could no longer be paid , and the Forest of Dean had been reduced by a quarter before the end of the reign .
10 Crown lands had been so much reduced in size that the most efficient management could not have increased their yield to the point at which they might have made any significant impact on royal finances .
11 Never before have Corelli 's 12 Concerti grossi , Op. 6 been so plentifully represented on disc .
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