Example sentences of "has its [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Highlands and Islands Integrated Development Programme in the UK has its equivalent in the Lozere department but no IDP exists in the Auvergne and the implications for nature conservation of these programmes would have to be the subject of a specific study when their impact is clearer .
2 The aristocratic disdain for manual labour has its counterpart in the Situationist ’ attitude to the working class considered as the moronised victims of the spectacle .
3 His dance throughout has its base in the classical vocabulary but MacMillan has coloured it by gestures from cabaret and vaudeville dance traditions , which serve to reveal not only class differences in behaviour but also genuine feelings .
4 If uneven development has its foundation in the unequal division of labour in society , then over time regional inequality will change , not only in its geographical pattern , but also in its nature , as the division of labour in society changes .
5 And Turkey has its share of the modern virus .
6 The process of gestation has its parallel on the psychological level .
7 Mentioned in the Vedas , the Upanishads and the Mahabharata , the symbol has its origin with the Vedic Aryans , its meaning being clearly defined by the Naga or Aryan initiates .
8 Analysis of such situations shows that this defensive process has its origin in the infantile conflict with parental authority about some form of instinctual gratification .
9 It is possible that those who work in education , even at senior management level , lack the confidence to press for this sort of recognition ; a diffidence which has its origin in the perceived ‘ otherness ’ referred to above , combined with the erroneous view that education has little or nothing to offer a commercial board-room .
10 It has been noted that the quantum limit has its origin in the following expression of the uncertainty principle .
11 This has its origin in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Japan realised it needed natural resources from overseas in order to industrialise effectively to compete with the West .
12 It has its origin in the academic institution 's need to justify the endless multiplication of commentaries , from undergraduate essays to doctoral dissertations and scholarly articles .
13 The word slum , first used in the 1820s , has its origin in the old provincial word slump , meaning ‘ wet mire ’ .
14 Painting , like all poetry , has its part in the divine … ’
15 Her thesis has its gaze on the exact detail of the exchange of cattle , goats , blankets , gourds and snuff , and it tries to establish by the comparative method that these customs are part of universal human practice .
16 The idea seemed too melodramatically absurd , until I recalled that all melodrama has its basis in the lurid facts of earlier generations .
17 The present wave of Troubles has its basis in the Catholic grievances about discriminatory practices which have operated against them ever since the state 's inception ( cf.
18 Parties represented in Parliament include the right-wing Conservative Party ( Andries Treurnicht , l. ) , the largest opposition party in the white House of Assembly and committed to opposing De Klerk 's reforms ; the liberal opposition Democratic Party ( Zach de Beer , elected as its sole leader at its first national congress in September , replacing the " troika " of de Beer , Wynand Malan and Denis Worrall ) ; and the Labour Party ( Rev. Allan Hendrickse , l. ) , which has its basis in the coloured community .
19 The tightness and speed of the narrative , too , has its effect on the direct , concrete prose style which , too often in the earlier books , had become prosy and had lost shape in informative interpolations .
20 However , the company has its eye on the estimated 200 000 American children with ‘ normal variant short stature ’ , who produce growth hormone but apparently lack sufficient receptors to put it to work .
21 The anti-conspiratorial rhetoric of the Vanguard argument has its place in the general National Front argument about tactics .
22 However , we need to adopt a balanced viewpoint and accept that the use of drugs can not be totally ruled out ; everything has its place in the holistic scheme of things .
23 Although intuitive aromatherapy is much derided by orthodox practitioners ( and even by a few scientifically minded aromatherapists ) , it too has its place in the holistic scheme of things .
24 Snowdon also has its place in the magical history of Britain .
25 Dickie the Great Dane has been entrusted with the unusual task of demonstrating that safe sex has its place in the canine world .
26 The house , moreover , has its relation to the industrial town as Engels describes it , which is also planned so that the paths of the separate nations need never cross .
27 From an attitude that is greedy for possessions , and particularly from house price inflation , which has put the price of houses beyond the reach of many young couples starting out on their life together , contributing directly to homelessness , and which has its root in the increased demand for homes from family breakdown .
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