Example sentences of "has been [vb pp] as a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In gaining the title university , Napier has been recognised as a leader in higher education .
2 This book has been written as an aid to the bench chemist and its scope is experimental rather than theoretical .
3 When the original object of a wishful impulse has been lost as a result of repression , it is frequently represented by an endless series of substitute objects none of which , however , brings full satisfaction ’ ( vii .
4 The shaded area between the actual time-series and the trend line in Fig. 3.1 is called the output gap and is a reflection of the output of goods and services which has been lost as a result of the unemployment .
5 EMC Corp , Hopkinton , Massachusetts has sold more than $10m-worth of 4800 Symmetrix Integrated Cached Disk Array storage devices to Delta Air Lines , Atlanta , Georgia : Delta previously used IBM Corp kit exclusively , namely 3380s , 3880s , 3090s and 3990s , but has been replacing them with Symmetrix 4400 and 4800 systems since November 1991 ; EMC claims that 15,000 square feet of floor space has been saved as a result ; it also attests to a 50% performance improvement over cached 3380s for reservation systems running on IBM 's 3090 Model 400 , a performance increase of between 30% and 50% with Airline Control Program and a performance boost of 30% to 40% with MVS , running off Hitachi Ltd EX 100s .
6 The Lake District in particular has been pinpointed as an area ripe for the picking .
7 The first in a new generation of colours , it has been developed as a result of Armitage Shanks ' research in to the tastes of today 's consumers .
8 However , Sally Kuenssberg , a specialist in children 's panel training in the department of adult and continuing education , says that she has been appointed as an individual with experience of the needs of children .
9 It has been adopted as a slogan for assertiveness training programmes for US women managers , for example .
10 Though the issue no longer commands the same urgency it did immediately after Tiananmen , ‘ right of abode ’ has been adopted as a cause by a wide variety of business and professional lobby groups .
11 It is understood that no one has been injured as a result of the nurse 's alleged actions .
12 So far , the state has been characterised as a structure — as part of the political instance , integrated into the whole structured in dominance .
13 Greta Garbo , I read , has been reborn as a cat .
14 This is by no means the first time that national security has been raised as a defence in legal proceedings against the Crown .
15 For these reasons Ketamine has been explored as an adjunct to psychotherapy .
16 then went on to distinguish the case of a party ‘ deprived of his title as a result of a forged document which he did not execute ’ from the case where the party ‘ has been deprived as a result of a document which he himself executed , albeit under a mistake induced by fraud ’ and commented that ‘ when the court comes to exercise its discretion , different considerations may well apply . ’
17 Since the 1950s an association between low school attainment , the problems of classroom discipline , and delinquency has been accepted as a male , white and predominantly working class phenomenon .
18 Most importantly , since this work on the dictionary was completed Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ) ( Bryan , 1988 ) has been accepted as a standard for encoding document information .
19 Labour committee chairman Jim Skinner said : ‘ By and large pedestrianisation has been accepted as a benefit to the town and shoppers .
20 It is therefore not surprising that the provision of apparatus ( both large and small ) , toys and games , has been accepted as a necessity .
21 Fiona Jones has been accepted as a student on a law course at Glasgow University .
22 Emergency renal ultrasound examination has been advocated as a way of separating ARF from CRF , because small kidneys usually indicate CRF .
23 Recently , the importance of early access has been studied as a component of the chain of survival ( early access , early basic life support , early defibrillation , early advanced care ) .
24 The package has been reserved as a product module and can be used to create products using option 5.1.1 — Create Product .
25 A shortage of gold has been argued as a reason , emphasising the importance of the ability to procure the necessary raw materials .
26 Dryfield Finance of Yeovil , Somerset has been registered as a bank for the past 10 years and its Tessas are also covered by the deposit-holders ' protection scheme .
27 ‘ This success has been achieved as a result of the hard work by LASMO 's staff and its partners over a long time .
28 Schick ( 1972 p. 16 ) states that ‘ budgeting always has been conceived as a process for systematically relating expenditure of funds to the accomplishment of planned objectives ’ .
29 This has been conceived as a method of generating and manipulating a range of complex assembly problems .
30 The female nude has been conceived as an expression of fundamental principles of order and design .
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