Example sentences of "has been [vb pp] by a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They take this view because they are alive to the fact that since 1935 no government has been elected by a majority of the electorate and secured 50 per cent of the popular vote .
2 However , its sale plan has been halted by a court action over the trusteeship of the collection and has already provoked the National Art Collections into stripping it of a grant .
3 Construction work on the world 's largest hydroelectric project , in Northern Quebec , Canada , has been halted by a ruling from the National Energy Board that the project must comply with federal guidelines on the environment .
4 Letter signed ’ , as distinct from ‘ Autograph letter signed ’ , means that the letter has been written by a clerk or secretary but that the king has added his signature .
5 Spender ( 1982 ) argues that male teachers are more likely to regard work highly if they think it has been written by a boy , although her research methodology is not made explicit .
6 Perhaps a similar report has been written by a colleague and is retained on a word processing disk .
7 We often visit schools that are involved in testing teaching units to discover that overnight a new program has been written by a teacher to use in his afternoon lesson .
8 In the past , the study of onomatopoeia , and of imitative effects generally , has been vitiated by a tendency to assume that there is a direct evocative connection between a particular sound and a particular reference , say between an /s/ sound and the sighing of the wind or ( here ) the hiss of a steam-engine .
9 The scanning device has been developed by a company in Upton Bishop in Herefordshire .
10 Fuel bond AN ADDITIVE that bonds diesel fuel and water to create a solution that burns cleanly without loss of power has been developed by a team led by Prof David Thorley of City University .
11 Such underdrawing has now provided a significantly more accurate way of dating the famous palaeolithic cave paintings at Altamira and El Castillo , Spain , and Niaux in the French Pyrenees has been developed by a team of French and Spanish scientists .
12 It has long been recognised that the human factor is just as significant an influence on rates of erosion as physical features , as has been highlighted by a study of potential versus actual erosion in Zimbabwe by Whitlow ( 1988 ) .
13 The answer , according to Mr Michael Reich of the Harvard School of Public Health , is that the industry has been nurtured by an arm of the Japanese government that had no interest in exporting , making it a victim of government intervention .
14 A SENTENCE for indecent assault passed on a 47-year-old former prison officer has been cut by a half on appeal at Craigavon Crown Court .
15 This notion has been adopted by a number of animal learning theorists ( e.g. Spear 1973 , 1981 ; Hirsh 1980 ) .
16 One corporate-centred bargaining strategy in the form of ‘ coalition ’ bargaining has been adopted by a number of US unions since the 1960s .
17 and that has been done by a marketing exec who goes round the country contracting with those clients .
18 This has been done by an emphasis on individualism , self-help , hard work and thrift , whilst at the same time there has been an attack on collectivism and socialism as repressive and unworldly values .
19 Braverman 's radical analysis of work organisation at the operational level has been extended by a number of writers concerned to explore its implications for these wider organisational issues .
20 As a result of Pepper v. Hart , this rather artificial notion has been extended by a presumption , which may be grounded in a degree of political reality .
21 Tranmere striker Tommy Coyne has been sidelined by a flu bug , but Charlton remains optimistic that he can shrug off the effects in time for Wednesday .
22 The mid-1980s has been characterised by a shift in emphasis in the educational debate .
23 For my purposes , it suffices if I say that one of the questions was whether an original lessee is liable to pay a rent which has been increased by a variation in the terms of the lease reached between the assignee and the landlord .
24 At a stroke our artistic patrimony has been increased by a treasure which is about to go on display after being unseen for seventy years .
25 The risk of flooding has been increased by a combination of factors .
26 MORE than £300 has been raised by a group of Barlaston employees and friends in a sponsored walk for the British Epilepsy Association .
27 The desirability of continued economic growth has been raised by a number of economists over the past decade and the titles of their publications make their conclusions clear — Does Money Buy Happiness ?
28 For a country which has been disabled by a generation of violence , forgetting may be impossible .
29 Another very successful collection of my pictures has been made by a lady who is very keen on yellow roses .
30 my Lord I think so yes , erm if I can just say this I understand on the structures that a letter has been , er , an offer has been made by a letter erm of the structure and obviously there would be and that , that was done I think some time ago , erm and it might be my Lord how to what sort of structure is , but , but , erm I think from our side , erm we , we 've taken the first step and we 're going
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