Example sentences of "has been [verb] with the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 An application to build Europe 's biggest wind farm has been lodged with the Department of Trade and Industry by TriGen Windpower , a joint venture by UK , US and Japanese companies .
2 This book has been written with the objective both of making knowledge gained by research more easily accessible , and of demonstrating how in the course of providing services practitioners can use the knowledge and add to it by their own skill and commitment .
3 On the other hand , for its no vote Yemen has been threatened with the withdrawal of $70 million in US aid .
4 LOLLIPOP lady Iris Pearce has been threatened with the sack — because she is too nice .
5 A strip which has been missed with the herbicide stands out all season long , to the embarrassment of both spray operator and farmer .
6 A regional PR strategy has been developed with the help of nationwide seminars .
7 ‘ This system has been developed with the marketing capability as a fundamental principle . ’
8 The Contract Division has been strengthened with the addition of Tony Horner to the sales team covering the London area .
9 The Stoddard Mercia Contract Sales Force has been strengthened with the appointment of two additional representatives .
10 The overall style of the loudspeaker remains much as before but the visual appeal has been strengthened with the use of real wood side mouldings , contoured , bevelled cabinet edges and an attractive new plinth which now includes a compartment intended to be filled with lead shot or sand to enhance stability .
11 Huxley , the exponent of laboratory physiology , won a great victory over Owen when he contrived to get a statue of Darwin placed on the main staircase of the Natural History Museum ; but justice has been done with the passage of time , and Owen 's statue is now in pride of place in his building .
12 The new Hermitage director has worked there for nearly two years as assistant academic director under acting-director Vitaliy Suslov , but he has been connected with the museum almost all his life ; his father , Academician Boris Piotrovskiy ( 1908–90 ) , was on the staff at the Hermitage for more than half a century , and was its director for twenty-six years before his death en poste .
13 In 1986 he became general manager for a private sector group 's residential and nursing homes and for the past year has been connected with the Bridge Hospital in Witham , involved with people with learning disabilities .
14 This item has been raised with the Head of Staff Relations , Bank of Ireland and we would hope that an early meeting will take place to discuss this issue
15 In all , of the 350 commitments in the original White Paper , more than 200 have already been fulfilled in this first year alone and significant progress has been made with the remainder .
16 Tonight 's programme has been made with the benefit of time and I think with the best of intentions .
17 Steady progress has been made with the implementation of non-advanced DATEC courses and in January and May 1981 461 students were registered for Certificate courses and 2,866 for Diploma courses .
18 But interest has been re-awakened with the discovery of this graveyard at Asthall near Burford in Oxfordshire .
19 But interest has been re-awakened with the discovery of this graveyard at Asthall near Burford in Oxfordshire .
20 Perhaps the most usual description of aesthetic experience in the last hundred years has occurred when the critic has been faced with the need to react to one isolated work of art .
21 Since its inception the NAEP has been faced with the dilemma of deciding whether to report results in a descriptive fashion or to add interpretation .
22 A STORE boss who chased two thieves and recovered most of their £1,200 haul has been rewarded with the sack .
23 The Stoyanov solution has been obtained with the solution of ( 9.3 ) given by ( 10.29 ) which is the solution ( 10.20 ) .
24 They 've stayed that way because outright majority has been given with the help of the council 's single independent .
25 A recently-introduced ban on the fishing of sand eels , the birds ' staple food , has been credited with the success .
26 It shows the customers that their account has been credited with the amount involved .
27 An RAF war hero has been reunited with the resistance fighters who saved his life .
28 The water shortage faced by thousands of refugees in Jordan has been eased with the help of the Oxford based charity Oxfam .
29 This has been achieved with the help of Bill Sanderson in the case of Quentin Oates and Horace Bent , and Ian Pollock in the case of William Boot .
30 This has been achieved with the help of CAP SESA , a consultant agency specialising in production management .
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