Example sentences of "has been [verb] [adv] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 In the USA a new manager has been appointed specifically for this and for corporate business .
2 It is the task of the sociologist to understand all this , to find out what has been done already in this field , to see what light the general background of religious and familial studies can shed on this particular social act , and to formulate original ideas in a more explicitly sociological fashion .
3 Anyone who has been locked away like this would understand .
4 So we know that so far about fifty percent of our anthropogenic C O two has been locked away in this system in the ocean .
5 Their gradual integration with the Blackpool tramway has been documented elsewhere in this book , suffice to say they played a significant part in the Promenade service until their demise in 1937 .
6 The issue of academic freedom has been raised both in this place and in the other place — the notorious clauses 36 and 64 , which have similar elements in the further education sector , can not be debated today .
7 For example , if you are looking for something for your in-foal mare , choose a supplement which has been made specifically for this purpose such as Medi Equus stud formula .
8 The rule in Rylands v. Fletcher was not considered in The Wagon Mound ( No. 1 ) , though it has been argued elsewhere in this book that there is no reason for refusing to apply the principles of foreseeability as developed since The Wagon Mound .
9 Enough has been said even in this brief review to make the point that when men wished to designate sanctity or degrees of sanctity it was to the hierarchy of precious substances that they turned for appropriate symbols .
10 As has been said elsewhere in this book athletics reflects the society in which it exists and the experiences of Linford , his family and black British athletes mirror exactly those of the majority of black British citizens .
11 The figures reveal the full extent of the increase in investment in the 1980s as a result of the Government 's policies , an increase which has been maintained even during this period of recession .
12 The waterfall is a part of the enormously extensive and complicated subterranean water system that has been traced now through this limestone mass if and which links up with the astonishingly deep fissures or gouffres that the speleologists have explored in the mountains to the east .
13 However , no money has been allocated specifically for this purpose .
14 As has been discussed elsewhere in this book , hyperlipoproteinaemia is common in diabetes mellitus and in some studies correlations have been sought between platelet-specific protein levels and fasting total serum cholesterol , triglycerides and the individual lipoproteins .
15 The important platelet mitogen , platelet-derived growth factor which is an α-granule constituent along with β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 has been discussed earlier in this chapter .
16 Suggestions for differential drills are : The positive statement drill on the left-hand side has been discussed earlier in this chapter .
17 The term ‘ indiction ’ has been used earlier in this chapter , and although the system is unlikely to be encountered in isolation by a local historian it is worth recording , if only for the sake of completeness .
18 Employment policy too has been directed overwhelmingly towards this group .
19 They were all the more tedious because they were reduced , for all practical purposes , to one question : why , after everything that has been put forward in this court , have you still made no attempt to visit 42b Milvain Street ?
20 A modified HLCA system which would reduce the upland agriculture/ conservation conflict has been detailed earlier in this chapter .
21 More gold has been produce here in this present gold rush than in any other part of Brazil .
22 How much unpaid Poll Tax has been carried forward into this year 's budget ?
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