Example sentences of "has been [verb] [adv] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The section has been amended recently by new section 62A , which , by virtue of secondary legislation , makes clear that s.62 is intended , inter alia , to cover insider dealing .
2 The existence of powerless groups has been highlighted even by those who extol the virtues of the Japanese commitment to consensus .
3 The reserve has been extended eastwards by 55,000 hectares to the River Usumancinta on the Guatemalan border .
4 As a result , output has been revised upwards by 0.2 per cent in the first two quarters and 0.3 per cent in the third , and the trend throughout 1992 now looks even flatter than before .
5 This young lady has been assaulted sexually by that beastly little man . ’
6 Support for Indian influence has been given also by certain Aboriginal elders and initiates with whom I have conversed , and my explorations in India into serpent worship have strongly indicated that the concept of the Rainbow Serpent could be a direct transposition from Indian serpent lore .
7 This has usually been rejected , on the grounds that other sources suggest that Hastings was executed rather than murdered-Armstrong going so far as to suggest that such a murder would be un-English and that Mancini has been led astray by Italian precedents .
8 This has usually been rejected , on the grounds that other sources suggest that Hastings was executed rather than murdered-Armstrong going so far as to suggest that such a murder would be un-English and that Mancini has been led astray by Italian precedents .
9 The ghost of Mr Cubbage walks the coaches of many trains searching for his beloved Coleen ; he has been seen often by many people in the district , he also walks the railway tracks near the spot on which he was killed , a sobbing , totally heartbroken figure .
10 The excavation — directed by Peter Stead of Exeter Museum — has been funded jointly by English Heritage and South West Water to the tune of £250,000 .
11 However , having read the notes accompanying the application form , it seemed that the work we wish to carry out does not require the formal Consent , since the work falls under Section ( a ) of Class III of the exceptions listed in paragraph 2 , ie. works of repair or maintainance not involving a material alteration to a monument , and this opinion has been confirmed verbally by British Waterways themselves .
12 I think that Englishness , for all that we pull it to bits , had a certain important moral structure , which has been eaten away by unchecked competition , an underground civil war breaking our roots .
13 This technique has been discovered independently by two different groups of birds — the weaverbirds of Africa which are closely related to the European sparrow , and the icterids of the Americas which include such birds as the caciques and the oropendolas .
14 Designed for smaller and medium-sized businesses and even for business units of multinational corporations as a corporate planning checklist , the system has been tested successfully by many companies , as well as computer specialists .
15 The application of these ideas to established urban areas has been obstructed both by public expenditure restrictions and by community opposition to new road construction .
16 The testing boom has been resisted vigorously by civil liberties groups and trade unions , who view this aspect of the ‘ war on drugs ’ as a frontal assault on a worker 's dignity and entitlement to due process .
17 With luck , an ensuing argument will highlight how the situation has been read differently by each partner and result in the couple being more married than before , feeling more together in themselves and with each other .
18 Enterprise has been driven away by high business rates and high domestic rates .
19 Northern Ireland has been granted ‘ Objective One ’ status , which designates EC regions for special treatment , and Larne port 's development has been helped partly by Regional Development Fund cash .
20 He has been helped there by two years under the expert tuition of All Black Wayne Shelford .
21 The model has been used widely by political scientists and , interestingly , underpins the Business and Technician Education Council 's guidelines on problem solving on public administration and business studies courses .
22 Developed originally by International in the UK , the paint has been used successfully by marine businesses for about 10 years .
23 The better off within the working class have often been referred to as a labour aristocracy , though the term has been used differently by various social scientists .
24 The effect of age and sex on basal serum gastrin and pepsinogen secretion in healthy people as well as in patients with duodenal ulcers has been investigated previously by different groups .
25 For years , the region has been torn apart by armed conflicts .
26 India has been torn apart by religious strife after Hindus tore down a mosque in Northern India on Sunday .
27 ARMY spy Brian Nelson has been interviewed again by top cop John Stevens , who headed an investigation into alleged collusion between members of the security forces and loyalist paramilitaries .
28 It is an impressive body of photographic , graphic and specially commissioned work which has been put together by former NME photographer Adrian Boot and editors Neil Storey and Rob Partridge , with encouragement from Island boss Chris Blackwell and the head of Are You Experienced Ltd , Alan Douglas .
29 At the other point the primary experiment UA2 has been put together by 50 or so researchers from France , Denmark , Italy , Switzerland and CERN under the leadership of Pierre Daulat .
30 Their development from the turn of the century until around 1945 is traced in the show which has been put together by Christian Tümpel and a group of his art history students at the University of Nijmegen .
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