Example sentences of "has been [verb] from [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Group gearing has been cut from 75% to 64% , while the dividend is up 8.4% to 12.3p .
2 The price has been cut from £699 to £399 plus VAT .
3 On a ten-year policy , the payout has been cut from £7,331 to £6,175 , equivalent to an annual rate of return of 10.4 per cent .
4 Taylor Woodrow reported a first half loss before tax of £16m ( v £25.3m profit ) ; its dividend has been cut from 1.86p to 0.5p .
5 For a man who took out a 25-year mortgage endowment policy at the age of 29 with a £30-a-month premium , the payout on a policy maturing this year has been cut from £62,543 to £59,602 , which represents an annual rate of return of 13 per cent .
6 Tim Lawrence has been transferred from Maps to Music .
7 Please note also that for this week ONLY the evening Mass at St. Philip 's Priory , Begbroke has been transferred from Wednesday to Thursday evening , for the Feast of St. Philip Benizi , at 7.00 pm .
8 The soldier has been transferred from Craigavon to a hospital in Belfast .
9 Surplus of PmRMPc has been transferred from consumers to producers and total surplus has fallen to ARMPc .
10 Further , the minimum amount on which interest must be paid when held for any period of less than a week , if it is fair and reasonable to do so , has been increased from £10,000 to £20,000 .
11 This Order has brought into force s 17 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 , so that the statutory maximum fine for various infringements of the Act 's provisions , referred to in Sch 24 of the Companies Act 1985 , has been increased from £2,000 to £5,000 .
12 With child benefit included their income has been increased from £124.20 to £148.62 a week .
13 With child benefit included their income has been increased from £124.20 to £148.62 a week .
14 With child benefit included their income has been increased from £124.20 to £148.62 a week .
15 Also , the health budget has been increased from 6% to 11% with the hope of distributing more to ‘ deserving areas ’ .
16 The limit in respect of any one accident insured for injury to members of the public has been increased from £500,000 to £1,000,000 .
17 THE cost limit on Commons written replies has been raised from £400 to £450 , Stephen Dorrell , the Financial Secretary to the Treasury , announced in a Commons written reply last night .
18 The service has been relocated from London to Mafier House in Worcester Street .
19 She has been wandering from post to post for six years , having left her home in , I suspect , scandalous circumstances .
20 As the author of this publication , my opinion has been sought from time to time by dealers , other scholars and the auction rooms .
21 One of the best known sites is at Villeneuve-la-Garenne , Paris , which has been converted from oil to geothermal heating , with an annual saving of 3,400 tonnes of oil .
22 George Bush has been swerving from side to side as Jekyll battles Hyde for command of the president 's soul .
23 We found a similar trend in a previous study in Hertfordshire , the only other study in which a group of people has been traced from birth to death .
24 In the place of the correlation of knowledge with vision and light , the visual metaphor by which the adequation of the idea with the thing has been thought from Plato to Heidegger , Levinas proposes language , which in the form of speech enables a kind of invisible contact between subjects that leaves them both intact .
25 Bowls : The venue for tonight 's fours match between Towerlands and Ipswich in the area finals of the Manchester Unity National Championships has been switched from Walton to Clacton Bowls Club .
26 But the chain was trading as usual and Mr Chapman 's outlook remained buoyant : ‘ The business has been going from strength to strength . ’
27 This atmosphere will ultimately emerge as something of immense value when ‘ the kindly light of reason ’ finally sweeps away all the incredible and stifling nonsense , which has been introduced from time to time in futile attempts to counter the inexorable demand that reason and common sense shall ultimately triumph , and replace superstition and blind senseless faith .
28 Although the archive has been used from time to time by researchers in pursuit of specific information , no general survey of the contents has been undertaken since the death of Lord Beveridge in 1963 .
29 it is an artists ' book of the first order , the making of which has been managed from beginning to end by the artist herself , thereby satisfying her desire for creative control over every aspect of its production .
30 The following year 's prediction has been slashed from £314m to £270m .
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