Example sentences of "has be [vb pp] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CPRW has evidence that the sale of holiday units as permanent residences is already beginning to happen where the temporary occupancy clause , which is customarily enforced on caravan and chalet sites , has been withdrawn for some reason .
2 This has been recognised for some time , perhaps most articulately in France , as one of the attainments to be expected from a top-class academic teacher and researcher , with an outstanding ability in accurate communication with the men ( and women ) in the street : haute popularisation .
3 The need for such a centre has been recognised for some time .
4 The importance of the environmentally fragile coastal zone has been recognised for some time , and in response to growing concern for coastal environments under pressure , a new group has been set up in BGS to draw on the experience of land and marine geologists , sedimentologists and coastal engineers The geology of a strip round the coast of the United Kingdom , which in places extends several kilometres offshore , is largely unexplored .
5 The importance of the coastal zone has been recognised for some time , and a new group has now been formed in BGS in response to growing concern for the environments under pressure in this potentially fragile area .
6 The association between HIV infection and tuberculosis has been recognised for some time , and the emergence of multidrug resistance in the United States represents the latest development .
7 Indeed , the whole point of the local sign theory , as an alternative to the ‘ place pure and simple ’ account has been lost on some psychologists .
8 The expenditure of public money on this , yet another television service , has been criticized in some quarters , but the Governor told me his decision was based on the fact , as he saw it , of NTV 's pro-Federal bias .
9 The scheme has been criticized by some animal welfare activists .
10 Typically , this will be a realistic option if your pay has been cut for some reason .
11 This quantitative approach has been adopted to some extent by at least one local authority as the policy statement below illustrates :
12 In Yip Kai-foon the Privy Council rejected the solution which has been adopted in some jurisdictions of directing the jury to convict of the offence which they consider to be more probable .
13 The research has been done for some time and the results have been known for some time , yet still the Government do nothing .
14 A similar phenomenon has been observed in some patients with AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis , but a halting progression with worsening of the biliary disease is not often seen , and there are no reports of hepatic fibrosis deteriorating to cirrhosis and liver failure .
15 In the previous section the singularity structure of the Khan-Penrose solution has been analysed in some detail .
16 Any precious metal that has been manufactured in some way , including coins used for ornament .
17 Notwithstanding these developments , however , even in some European countries the tendency towards decentralisation in collective negotiations has been offset to some extent by cross-currents .
18 The gravitational field has been explored in some detail by observations of the satellites and of the paths of fly-by spacecraft .
19 Some effort has been made by some libraries to assist libraries and institutions with user education programmes , for example , universities and polytechnics for schools , and public libraries also for schools , 2 but this expresses local efforts of co-operation , rather than the submission that user education is a continuous process which takes place throughout the various educational sectors and beyond .
20 A further point in relation to the accusation of the ethnocentricity of Freud 's assumptions about gender roles has been made by some people in the Women 's Movement , such as Kate Millet and Ann Oakley .
21 It is more difficult to judge how far the commitment has been translated into action , though it is clear that progress has been made in some areas .
22 Their organization into lineages descended from ancestral females has been demonstrated in some populations .
23 Whether light as well as heat is generated in these reactions has been questioned by some critics .
24 Recently he has acted as consultant on the hit West End musical Miss Saigon ( transfer to Broadway expected soon ) , the story of a love affair between a GI and a Vietnamese bar girl which has been condemned by some critics as exploitative .
25 An attempt to remove Kevin Maxwell has been mooted for some time .
26 Because of its limited appeal among Grand Prix drivers , it has been ignored for some record purposes in the statistical section to be found at the end of this chapter .
27 What she does not do is believe for one moment that Rainbow has been possessed by some kind of demon .
28 A need for adequate protection in the field of residential care , and to a lesser extent in relation to the provision of domiciliary services , has been advocated for some years .
29 The basal-subtracted EC 5 — the concentration of gastrin necessary to increase acid secretion from basal to half maximal acid secretion — has been advocated by some workers to be a more appropriate index of parietal cell sensitivity .
30 This is because the aperture problem has been overcome at some level in their visual system .
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