Example sentences of "has be [verb] [prep] in the " in BNC.

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1 As discussed above , the high currency of the group awards of HNC and HND has been built upon in the Advanced Courses Development Programme and the expressed need for analogous awards in the National Certificate has convinced SCOTVEC of the desirability of having group awards at all levels .
2 The creation of highly selective band-pass or band-stop filters based on appropriate resonant branches has been alluded to in the previous section .
3 The close relationship between criterion-referenced assessment and the curriculum has been referred to in the previous section .
4 While this is an issue which has been referred to in the literature ( Bourner and Hamed , 1987 ) , it is not one which has been extensively explored with regard to the achievements of non-traditional students , but it is a potentially important measure which requires further investigation .
5 My old friend Fred Emery , who presented the programme from the Falklands , told us — and I have confirmed this from other sources — that the Cabinet is struggling to decide whether to build a new airstrip alongside Stanley 's existing facilities or , as has been hinted at in the Commons , on an entirely new site .
6 Just how a school 's budget is derived and totalled has been dealt with in the opening chapter , but perhaps headteachers should take time to disabuse certain governors of misconceptions they may have , usually culled from newspaper headlines .
7 It does not help Fergie 's case that the financial expert who has been advising her about the settlement is the same man she has been cavorting with in the south of France .
8 The common law trust analogy has been drawn upon in the international legal system , most notably in the establishment of the mandate and trusteeship systems in the Covenant of the League of Nations and the United Nations Charter respectively .
9 The purchaser and the vendors shall bear their own legal and other professional fees and costs and no such fees shall be charged to ABC or any of its subsidiaries other than has been provided for in the net assets at completion .
10 The purchaser and the vendors shall bear their own legal and other professional fees and costs and no such fees shall be charged to ABC or any of its subsidiaries other than has been provided for in the net assets at completion .
11 A link with the literary house Meulenhoff Nederland is one of the possibilities that has been talked about in the Dutch trade .
12 The modifications which adjudication has been subjected to in the realm of statutory inquiries come close to doing just this .
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