Example sentences of "has [vb pp] us [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Almut Suerbaum , of the university of Munster , has joined us as the new Fellow in German ; as a specialist in Medieval German literature she continues the tradition of her predecessor .
2 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
3 Professor Black 's TGAT report , for all its expensive complexity , has saved us from the test-led teaching that seemed at one time inevitable .
4 We are particularly grateful to members of the undergraduate years 1965 , who responded to the Librarian 's appeal for items to display at the Gaudy in June , and to Nina Bawden ( Mabey , 1943 ) who has supplied us with a complete set of her novels .
5 There in Ephesians one three Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ .
6 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ .
7 Roland Smith has provided us with a fascinating and interesting book that should whet the appetite of many hill walkers and will certainly provide a wealth of useful background information when planning a walk to some of the ‘ Great Viewpoints ’ of Britain .
8 Bruno Bettelheim ( 1976 ) — — not without his critics , see , for example , Tucker ( 1984 ) — clearly takes this view , for he has provided us with a detailed study of fairy tales , The uses of enchantment .
9 He regrets that ‘ language , which adapts itself for the most part only to the common uses of life , has provided us with no single-worded or immediate designation ’ for the impression .
10 If nothing else , he has provided us with an excellent description of coffin-making , coffin furniture and grave clothes of the mid seventeenth century .
11 Russian , ultimately , has brought us to a similar endeavour .
12 Mr Brown 's trip to Harlem has brought us into an urban landscape known to tabloid headline writers as Beirut-on-Hudson , an advance on their earlier versions of , first , Naples-on-Hudson , and then Calcutta-on-Hudson .
13 Our discussion of the evolution of the logogen model has led us to the following view of the organisation of the mental lexicon .
14 ‘ By pushing the boat out unilaterally , ’ says Weir Group 's Ron Garrick , ‘ the Government has put us at a severe disadvantage compared with our German and American counterparts .
15 Orwell has left us with a graphic description of a typical reader , the elderly lady who always took out the same books , year-in year-out — a thing not possible incidentally in today 's rapid-turnover public libraries — with the word , ‘ I do love a drop of Dell ! ’ referring to the popular writer Ethel M. Dell .
16 The age of the PC has left us with a messy low grade grumbling crisis .
17 Their joint commissions reached well over a hundred , and though by the time the Dolls ' House was created , Miss Jekyll was nearly eighty and practically blind , being asked to design the garden gave her immense satisfaction , and has left us with an unaltered glimpse of this period of England 's gardening history .
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