Example sentences of "has [vb pp] for [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 UNEMPLOYMENT in Britain has fallen for the first time in almost three years .
2 In a wide ranging and at times overtly anti-communist speech , described by the Guardian of March 30 as " more measured and specific than any he has given for a long time " , Yeltsin pilloried central government policy , labelling perestroika the " last phase of the stagnation period " .
3 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
4 CAR crime on Merseyside has dropped for the first time in three years but the rate is still one offence every 20 minutes .
5 CAR crime on Merseyside has dropped for the first time in three years but there is still one offence every 20 minutes .
6 One society which has featured for the first time in this year 's results is the Standard building society .
7 My mum has a passion fruit plant and it has grown for the first time .
8 The Chinese government has said for the first time that it intends to try to stop the tiger trade .
9 Material collected in south-east Ecuador has revealed for the first time Triassic marine sediments with bivalves , as well as Jurassic microfloras and Cretaceous macrofaunas .
10 An S-A-S officer who led a mission to prevent the Gulf conflict spreading throughout the Middle East has revealed for the first time what happened behind enemy lines .
11 Palace striker Chris Armstrong has confessed for the first time that manager Steve Coppell took a huge gamble signing him .
12 FIFTIES star Connie Francis has confessed for the first time that she does not like her biggest hits .
13 Any object that an individual has had for a long time , a favourite book for example , has already been affected by that individual 's electrical impulses .
14 ‘ Jason Donovan has known for a long time that The Face is not rich , and we have repeatedly offered to apologise unreservedly for the article , ’ the statement added .
15 ‘ Jason Donovan has known for a long time that The Face is not rich , and we have repeatedly offered to apologise unreservedly for the article , ’ the statement added .
16 The art ( therapy ? ) of Reflexology is founded on the principle that massaging the feet can affect the health of other parts of the body , a fact which acupuncture has known for a long time .
17 An analysis of soil samples from a Kurdish village has proved for the first time that in 1988 Iraqi armed forces used nerve gas as well as mustard gas in air raids against civilians .
18 BEVERLY Hills 90210 heart-throb Luke Perry has spoken for the first time of his nightmare childhood with a drunken father who beat up his mother .
19 Sheila Silcock has spoken for the first time about her anger when her son Ben was banned from a MIND drop-in centre in Roehampton , south-west London .
20 England marksman David Hirst has trained for the first time in five weeks after recovering from a cracked ankle , and is desperate to link up with Chris Waddle .
21 The Paraguayans , says Obdulio Menghi of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ( CITES ) , " are working like never before , because of the professional and political [ commitment ] that the country has assumed for the first time . "
22 Under headlines such as ‘ Fiend 's third victim ’ ( Daily Mirror ) and ‘ Terror of tape bondage rapist ’ ( Sun ) , it was noted how ‘ a sticky-tape sex-fiend has struck for the third time ’ bringing ‘ terror to a triangle of Hampshire towns ’ .
23 BUCKINGHAM Palace has admitted for the first time that Princess Diana 's marriage is in trouble .
24 ENGLAND boss Graham Taylor has admitted for the first time that his team flopped in the European Championship finals because they were n't fit enough .
25 ‘ It 's probably the most important match either team has faced for a long time .
26 The judgements that have to be made are complex , not least because local government has existed for a long time and the opportunities for building up capital or depleting it have been great .
27 Mont Blanc , to be sure , has existed for a long time , and probably will exist for a while yet , but it does not work to stay in existence .
28 In the classical theory of gravity , which is based on real space-time , there are only two possible ways the universe can behave : either it has existed for an infinite time , or else it had a beginning at a singularity at some finite time in the past .
29 That the miller 's knives substitute for his sexual potency rather than reflect it is indicated by the superiority of the clerk 's performance in bed with his wife to anything he has managed for a long time : He has fathered two children , but , like Bayard , his sexual energy is now exhausted .
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