Example sentences of "has [adv] be [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ludendorff has widely been given sole credit for the great German victory at Tannenberg , but before he and Hindenburg had even arrived at their new post imaginative steps had been taken by Colonel Max Hoffmann , Deputy Chief of Operations of the Eighth Army , which made that victory possible .
2 He has since been granted temporary leave to stay in Britain .
3 And the Trust has just been awarded six-figure funding from the International Fund for Ireland ( IFI ) for a new block at Glebe House .
4 Although the tail of this aircraft is still camouflaged. the rest of it has already been painted blue overall .
5 Mr Saunders has already been granted legal aid of up to £275,000 to defend himself against fraud charges in the criminal courts , but he may have to pay whole or part of that money back if the trial judge so decides .
6 gold has always been given special status by most civilisations and is therefore widely accepted ;
7 The government 's aim has always been to attract foreign investment ; only its tactics have changed as the tiny city-state ( 639 sq km ) matures and looks for more sophisticated investors to help it achieve the longed-for ‘ developed nation ’ status by 2030 .
8 Who would be dropped , if anybody , for Michael O'Neill ( Hibernian ) has also been producing consistent form since his transfer from Dundee Utd .
9 Dr Richard Scorgie , whose mother , Peggy , lives in Flora Avenue , is a consultant in geriatric medicine at Woodend Hospital in Aberdeen ; he has also been appointed associate unit general manager ( medical administration ) and vice-chairman of the unit management board .
10 Gas has also been given favoured status , supposedly to help Britain to meet its modest sulphur reduction targets .
11 English Blind Golf has now been granted official charity status .
12 Well , the Doc Marten has now been granted official recognition — it 's one of the words making its debut in the new Shorter Oxford English Dictionary .
13 Joan Daniels has now been appointed Honorary Treasurer of the Medau Society and we wish her the best of luck in balancing the books — figuratively speaking !
14 In Australia , where compensation claims have rocketed , RSI has even been nicknamed myalgic compensationitis .
15 A restructuring is under way — John McIntyre , vice-president of European Operations has gone , and Europe is now being split into two : the UK , where Engels has recently been appointed managing director , and the continent , where Terry Hall is coming in from the Australian operation to take charge .
16 He has recently been appointed Associate Director of the Royal National Theatre , while maintaining his work for Cheek by Jowl .
17 Andrew Pinnock is an Arts Council Music Officer ( early music is his specialist field ) , and has recently been appointed Artistic Administrator to the Purcell Tercentenary Trust .
18 Stuart Caughey of Rolls Wood Group [ Repair and Overhauls ] repair division has recently been awarded Junior Chamber Aberdeen 's Sillerton Quaich for being its best new member .
19 Mr Mellor has never been given proper credit for showing sufficient resolution during the passage of the Broadcasting Bill to persuade his colleagues that ITV deserved to have its future determined by something more subtle than a contest to see who could stuff the most pound notes into a brown envelope earmarked for the Treasury .
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