Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [adv prt] with a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Er has the card been filled in with a date on it ?
2 To mitigate his appearance , he had grown a beard — though it was so fine , to conform with custom , that it might have been painted on with a kohl-brush , an impression reinforced by the methodical severity with which the rest of the face had been shaved .
3 Some drivers whose tyre tread is below the new legal limit have been let off with a caution … others face prosecution .
4 Constitutional fundamentals have been opened up with a vengeance .
5 The history of Venice has long been bound up with a pageant of ships .
6 They felt as if they 'd been scoured out with a Brillo pad .
7 A new high-profile lobbying organization has been set up with a view to rasing environmental issues in the European Commission .
8 Thankfully we 've been spared the agony of SRV 's favourite .013 to .058 strings ; the reissue comes with a much more manageable .010 to .046 set , and it 's been set up with an action considerably lower than the man 's own and at the 12th fret .
9 He had been brought up with a lot of fine furniture and had always been conscious of its value .
10 Aurangzeb had been struck down with a fever , and it was believed that he was beyond recovery .
11 Central defender John MacPhail has again been ruled out with a knee injury .
12 He also remembered the look of the adjustable spanner , and it seemed to him appropriate that having been knocked down with a spanner his whole body was now apparently being alternately wrenched and tightened .
13 have been taken over with a vengeance and put into the anthropological perspective which in the poem Eliot has applied to so much past literature .
14 The bulk of this chapter has been taken up with a discussion of the relationship between the undergraduate curriculum and just two of Lawton 's eight ‘ cultural sub-systems ’ — the social and the economic although the latter has led us into areas which are a long way from the purely economic , and seems to yield a useful typology of undergraduate courses .
15 A disc has been sent out with a software licence asking for $189 : do n't users install this at their own risk ?
16 She had changed into some clothes brought for her by a clerk who had been sent out with a handful of roubles to a nearby shop .
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