Example sentences of "been [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Our English for the Tourism Industry ( EFTI ) examination has been developed in direct response to the growth of this sector and will be launched imminently .
2 It is evident — and I have emphasized the fact — that new political ideas have very often been formulated in direct response to the situations confronted by movements , parties and political leaders ; and the political thought of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has been exceptionally fertile in this respect .
3 They are locally based , and have been formulated in direct opposition to those policies preferred by the centre .
4 YHA hostel Ilam Hall in the Peak District National Park has been reopened following major refurbishment to the tune of £472 000 .
5 Llosa 's clear lead in the opinion polls , which had reportedly been eroded by public hostility to his saturation US$10,000,000 media campaign , was sharply reduced by the unexpected last-minute surge of support for the previously ignored Fujimori , a former rector of the Agrarian University in Lima and an independent newcomer , whose self-financed campaign promising " honesty , hard work and technology " was judged to have benefited from deep voter disillusionment with the traditional parties .
6 Up to 1980 UK policy had been framed with scant reference to EC legislation .
7 DEC 's massively parallel activities have been moved from corporate research to its mainstream computer operations and clustering , as in its recent agreement with Encore Computer Corp , is the current DEC watchword .
8 DEC 's MPP activities have been moved from corporate research to its mainstream computer operations and clustering , as in its recent deal with Encore , is the current watchword .
9 Their natural opponents , who had often been lashed for undue subservience to clerical domination , joyfully pointed this out : ‘ It is one of the ironies on English political life ’ declared The Tablet , the leading Roman Catholic weekly , ‘ that people who , when they are thinking of lies , are never tired of denouncing the influence of the clergy in politics , at the same time are quite ready to give up their political consciences to the keeping of their ministers . ’
10 Det Chief Insp Dave Sinclair , of Wiltshire CID , said : ‘ He could have been shot at close range to the device and staggered 20 yards away before collapsing . ’
11 This has been interpreted as increasing arousal to levels incompatible with that task .
12 When Aramco was told to cut production by 10 per cent and then , on top of that , shut in liftings equivalent to that which had been produced for ultimate sale to the USA in pre-embargo months , the company dutifully cut production back 23 per cent below September levels .
13 ‘ Number crunching ’ has been replaced by instant access to easily assimilated financial management information .
14 According to preliminary estimates , twelve of the southern countries have been damaged by severe erosion to the extent of about 70 million acres out of some 140 million acres of land now in crops .
15 ‘ Just imagine him standing by the side of you , with his hands crossed before him in a Miss Mollyish style , his intended bow half a courtsey , his fat arms and legs assisting , as in duty bound ; his side glances at you every ten seconds , while he softly , sweetly and insinuatingly informs you — that he has made the arts his peculiar study for the last eight years , and that he flatters himself , by his unremitting study he has greatly contributed to their improvement ; that he came to Ambleside for that purpose ( 't is a great big lie — he came solely to get a living for himself and family , but he is too proud to acknowledge this ) and hopes that the time has been employed with equal advantage to the arts and to himself . ’
16 This Inland Revenue practice has recently been affirmed by Financial Secretary to the Treasury Stephen Dorrell , following the High Court judgment in Campbell Connelly & Co Ltd v Barnett ( see ACCOUNTANCY , June , p 53 ) .
17 In this Marx has been proved by subsequent anthropology to be quite right , and many anthropologists would argue that the attribution of the profit motive to people who do not have it has been the greatest hindrance to an understanding of pre-capitalist societies .
18 As well as operating trains ( which carry over 150,000 passengers p.a. ) , the entire Railway , engines , coaches , track , stations and equipment , have all been restored from total dereliction to their present condition , a remarkable example of what can be achieved by qualified volunteers .
19 The additional uncertainty implicit in certain types of public policy ( e.g. ‘ stop-go ’ policies ) has also been linked in empirical work to reduced levels of investment ( see below ) .
20 While emphasizing that he was a health expert rather than an engineer , Professor McDonald was most reassuring , citing Canadian evidence which he claimed showed that asbestosis and lung cancer had never been associated with environmental exposure to asbestos in the general community and were in fact confined to workers in the industry .
21 In Canada , for example , the Auditor General Act of 1977 requires the Auditor General to report to the House of Commons when : ‘ money has been expended without due regard to economy or efficiency , or satisfactory procedures have not been established to measure and report the effectiveness of programs , where such procedures could appropriately and reasonably be implemented ’ .
22 He had been promoted from general secretary to " president " of the LPRP at the party 's fifth congress the previous April [ see p. 38150 ] .
23 Although this waveform detection technique has been discussed with particular reference to a three.phase variable.reluctance motor , it should be apparent that the method can be applied to any motor in which the motional voltage influences the current waveform .
24 If so , the law has been extended from gross negligence to carelessness .
25 However , the statistical picture remains somewhat unclear for two main reasons : the data have not always been analysed with sufficient attention to all the possible factors implicated in such over-representation ; there are insufficient provincial data to show how general are the London results .
26 It sounds to a man 's understanding as if women had hitherto been kept in disagreeable subjection to the stronger and sterner sex .
27 This success has not been achieved without close attention to methodology .
28 This has been achieved with close attention to aerodynamics of the whole vehicle with careful control of cooling airflow and a smooth floorpan with integrated exhaust system and fuel tank .
29 Carboxyhaemoglobin concentrations have not been studied in direct relation to gastric secretion in man but this agent may cause relative anoxia of the cell ; both anoxia and the thiocyanate ion ( another cigarette product ) have been shown to prevent the transformation by histamine of a resting parietal cell to its active acid secreting state .
30 A large number of studies have been conducted with particular reference to eyewitness testimony in an attempt to decide what the effects of high levels of arousal at the time of a crime are likely to be on the testimony of a victim or witness .
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