Example sentences of "been [vb pp] up [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Grandma used to say they were like chalk and cheese , and that they should have been shaken up together in a bag to get more of a mixture .
2 And this weakened commitment may in turn be a by-product of the intensity of the subject commitments that have been built up elsewhere in the school curriculum .
3 Business has been built up steadily over the last 12 years in Germany , Denmark , Spain , France , Eire and Greece , and more recently in Eastern Europe , the Czech Republic and Slovakia .
4 It is also necessary not to view policies in a static way ; they have been built up slowly over a long period and they are still changing .
5 Nevertheless , applications in many organisations have been built up piecemeal in an unorganised , often chaotic way .
6 The coffee table had taken flight to one side of the room , and two chairs had been drawn up close to the fireplace with their backs to the chesterfield .
7 We moved back to the strip of shingle and sat on a large baulk of timber that had been dragged up away from the water .
8 A controversial issue was the future ownership of the assets of the PUWP ; a parliamentary commission had been set up shortly before the conference to investigate the extent to which such assets , valued by the party at some US$70,000,000 , should be forfeited as illegally acquired from the state .
9 The command verb , LIFESPAN_PMR , should have been set up previously by the System Manager .
10 The Global Environmental Facility has been set up jointly by the World Bank , and the UN Environment and Development Programmes .
11 Here for once a rural industry had been set up regardless of the availability of local labour or any need to create employment ; at first people in the Weald lacked not merely skill but also , it would seem , sufficient incentive .
12 As part of the Initiative , datasets derived from the Census are being held at Manchester Computing Centre and the Census Dissemination Unit has been set up initially for the period from 1992 to 1997 to support them ; the Census Microdata Unit has also been set up in the Econometrics department of Manchester University .
13 All recent committees of inquiry , and some in the past , have been set up specifically for the task in hand , but between 1944 and 1967 many of the inquiries were undertaken by the Central Advisory Councils for Education ( CACE ) for England and for Wales , bodies set up under the 1944 Education Act to advise ministers on important educational issues .
14 Sam said , ‘ Morning , ’ but Camille glanced at him haughtily and looked away : she considered that she had no time for the working classes , although her mother 's best friend had been brought up here in the olden days before the supermarkets and the middle class had come to compete for space .
15 These had been brought up sharp in a mathematically exact line by one of those old-fashioned razors that the previous generation had employed for more antisocial purposes .
16 The H3 building had been put up hastily in the early 1950s to get the scientists out of their first accommodation that had been little more than Nissen huts .
17 The idea may have been worked out with some care or , at the other extreme , it may have been put up spontaneously at a meeting convened to discuss the content of a future programme of activity .
18 An advertising poster for the clothing company Benetton which features a burning car has been put up close to a housing estate notorious for joyriders .
19 When government stock issues had been taken up predominantly by the triad , there had been little need for anything much in the way of a " market " ; but the change in the structure of debt ownership led inevitably to the emergence of broking and jobbing practices which were to become institutionalised into the Stock Exchange .
20 The far greater challenges — transforming union organisation and government in ways that involve members in actively making their own decisions and implementing them — have been taken up only by a minority of unions , such as NUPE , the TGWU , the Society of Civil and Public Servants and arguably — the Electricians and the Engineers .
21 As a little boy , Adam had sometimes been sent up here in the morning to fetch the letters and the paper , carrying with him a wicker bottle-basket for the milk .
22 Only when it has been chewed up almost to a liquid can the food pass through the rumen , and on through the gut .
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