Example sentences of "been [vb pp] with an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Also , an annual revaluation of our investment properties required for accounts purposes as well as for good practice has been undertaken with an effective date of 31 March 1993 .
2 The waving lotion has been formulated with an intensive conditioner based on the natural protein Keratin to help strengthen hair and improve texture .
3 The original Georgian door had been modified with an Edwardian glass porch .
4 His use of ‘ traditional ’ and ‘ heretical ’ allows him to sidestep the terms ‘ classical ’ and ‘ romantic , , so incorporating elements otherwise labelled ‘ romantic ’ into the structure of his tradition which had been sanctified with an anthropological definition .
5 An Oxford researcher who is crippled by illness has been presented with an international award for his research on the Amazonian rain forest .
6 Again I thought , well , the world 's there whenever I want it and I had been presented with an incredible opportunity . ’
7 Under the title ‘ Springboard ’ , their varying talents have been matched with an attractive mixture of classical and contemporary music .
8 In this case , the exam questions ( the data files ) had been produced with an integrated package called Ability Plus ( the program ) , so you need that piece of software to read them .
9 Yesterday the Merseyside Police Federation Chairman , George Crichton , said that PC Harrison would have been better able to defend herself if she had been armed with an American-style side handled baton .
10 A body did n't change if it had been blasted with an automatic weapon in a robbery on Lenox Square or gunned down on a sidewalk in Athens .
11 CONCERTED efforts to improve health and safety have been rewarded with an accident-free period of 100 days at Courtaulds Packaging company Soplaril .
12 The disobedient youth has been injected with an experimental drug , though of course his tactile sensations are n't blunted .
13 The fact that all three babies had been born with an incurable heart condition was characteristic of the Rollerson side of the family , but Maud preferred to blame her husband , and the marriage suffered as a consequence .
14 At the far end of the room , close to where tables had been laid with an appetising buffet , she noticed a smooth archway .
15 But in the world of football , the word was out , yet another Scottish player had been tarnished with an uncontrollable image .
16 Reduced growth in fetal life and infancy has been linked with an increased risk of developing impaired glucose tolerance in adult life .
17 For instance , the teeth on the famous supposedly Pre-Columbian crystal skull , said to be from Mexico ( fig. 8.7 ) , have been cut with an abrasive wheel .
18 The striking head is difficult to parallel stylistically , and the teeth seem to have been cut with an abrasive wheel which would not have been available in the Americas before the Spanish conquest .
19 Since then , many of the windows and doors have been blocked with an unsightly assortment of bricks , and the mill relegated to the storage of such diverse commodities as plastics and antiques .
20 Pigs have been bred with an increased number of vertebrae in their loin region , to give more loin chops .
21 Dalgliesh had been left with an uneasy feeling that neither case was as straightforward as the reports made it appear , but certainly there was no prima facie evidence of foul play in connection with either of the two deaths .
22 The work in each clinic is coordinated by a part time research assistant , and follow up has been maintained with an annual loss because of withdrawal of cooperation or loss of contact of only about 0.3% .
23 The western diet , high in animal fat and low in fibre , has been correlated with an increased incidence of colorectal cancer .
24 When my hon. Friend has been returned with an increased majority in his marginal seat , he will no doubt wish to make representations to me as I carry on with my present job .
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