Example sentences of "been [vb pp] that [adj] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has been reported that isolation-reared laboratory animals show abnormal behaviour towards painful sensory stimulation , such as a burning match or pin-prick .
2 Indeed , it has been claimed that irritable bowel syndrome is primarily a small intestinal condition and that symptoms originate mainly from this site .
3 It has been argued that lower productivity countries such as the Southern European states , Ireland and the UK could suffer from the creation of the SEM .
4 It has been argued that high house prices have prevented workers from moving to new jobs in the South East , leading to recruitment difficulties and increased costs for employers in the region .
5 It has been seen that French wartime planners believed that France could gain from European economic co-operation .
6 It has been shown that overall word shape by some coding of ascending and descending letters relative to a mid zone ( upper , middle and lower zone ) is restrictive across a lexicon ( Sinha , 1990 ) .
7 It has been shown that different selling approaches must be adopted , depending upon the situation in which one is selling .
8 Scientifically , it has been shown that electromagnetic field variations influence enzyme activity , the autonomic nervous system and thus behavioural patterns .
9 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
10 It has already been noted that some science students had made the choice between science and arts on the basis that it was easier to keep up with arts in one 's spare time than it was to keep up with science .
11 It has long been known that phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency exhibits a wide and continuous range of clinical and biochemical severity , varying from a symptomless disorder with phenylalanine accumulation only just greater than in obligate heterozygotes to a severely handicapping condition with plasma phenylalanine concentrations over 20 times normal .
12 Under permanently wet conditions , small mammal bone becomes soft and easily broken , and it has been found that small mammal bones preserved in wet caves become extensively broken , whereas in dry caves they are better preserved , but other factors may also modify such an assemblage .
13 For Sp1 , it has been found that multiple phosphorylation events generate a large number of electrophoretic variants of the protein ( 4 ) .
14 It has also been found that duodenal ulcer patients on continuous pharmacological acid suppression exhibit a lower prevalence of gastric metaplasia in comparison with intermittently treated patients .
15 It has also been proposed that low field signals correspond to B II conformations , or to equilibria in which B II conformations make a substantial contribution ( 7,8 ) .
16 It has also been observed that moderate alcohol drinkers ( two glasses of wine , beer or whisky a day ) have higher levels of HDLs in their blood ; so it seems that a small tipple each day may actually be good for you .
17 It has frequently been observed that many classroom interactions do not conform to the rules of normal conversation , and this applies particularly to teachers ' use of questions ( e.g. , Barnes , 1969 ; Stubbs , 1976 ; Edwards , 1980 ) .
18 It had been assumed that increased rehabilitation input would achieve the ‘ big move ’ out of hospital and the restoration of substantial numbers of patients to some moderate state of well-being .
19 It has been estimated that these subsistence farmers are globally responsible for half of all rainforest destruction , as they march deeper and deeper into virgin forest .
20 But they counted as necessary a pair of iron-pointed walking sticks , a clasp-knife , stout hunting-whips to beat off the legions of dogs they were prepared to encounter , and a policeman 's small lantern , since they had been warned that Turkish paper lanterns were useless in a hurricane .
21 Power 's generating monopoly , ministers have been warned that more power stations must urgently be brought on stream to meet projected demand .
22 For this reason fears have been expressed that rising house prices pose a major threat to price stability generally .
23 He said yesterday : ‘ It appears that the Secretary of State has been advised that that Yorkhill complex does not have what the act calls ‘ a significant teaching commitment ’ .
24 But in a letter of clarification to the Wales TUC , he said later : ‘ I have been advised that sufficient development work will be continued to avoid the outcome of the review being prejudiced .
25 It has been suggested that this acetylation process may inactivate the drug , and the results of clinical treatment trials of Ac-ASA have been conflicting , with the drug being ineffective in two out of three trials .
26 It has even been suggested that some coral reefs , which it will be recalled are mostly dead coral and debris , are being destroyed rather than built up : they could be relics of higher sea levels .
27 The precedent has now been established that European Community law is invulnerable to deliberate Acts of Parliament , and that British courts are under obligation to disapply those Acts where they conflict with it .
28 In the first place , it has been held that judicial review actions against bodies which owe their existence to contract can not be brought under Ord. 53 .
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