Example sentences of "been [vb pp] for [adj] [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 It has been felt for some time that the procedure and forms relating to the granting of legal aid in criminal causes could be improved , and the introduction of legal aid in the District Courts has led to the position being scrutinised and a new procedure and application form introduced .
2 It has been suspected for some time that North Korea has been working on a nuclear device .
3 Moreover , provision had been made for any firm that might become financially insolvent ; in this way , systemic risk was largely averted .
4 It had been recognised for some time that only through rationalisation into larger productive and distributive units could the movement overcome the damaging rivalries among societies in the same neighbourhood , and through economies of scale promote further growth .
5 For example , it is still commonplace in cartoons to show cavemen and dinosaurs together , despite the fact that it has been known for many years that dinosaurs were extinct long before the evolution of ‘ cavemen ’ .
6 It has been known for many years that rich clusters contain a lot of gas and dark matter , but Ponman and Bertram 's result shows that these features apply more generally .
7 It has been known for many years that neurons , like other cells , can be maintained alive and well under such conditions for periods of many days or even weeks , provided they are kept warm , aerated and well fed with glucose and other essential molecules .
8 It has been known for many years that recycling used materials helps make great savings , but it was not until recently that it was realised how much good that it could do for the environment .
9 It had been known for some time that relations between Stephenson and Villa were strained because of the player 's insistence on living in his home-town of Newcastle , and several clubs , keen to secure him , were watching the situation closely .
10 It has been known for some time that eyes give out bioelectric signals — the retina has a positive charge , the cornea is negative .
11 It has been known for some time that the majority of fibres from the left and right eyes converge upon single cells in the visual cortex of the cat and monkey ( Hubel and Wiesel , 1967 ) .
12 Is not the Minister aware that it has been known for some time that four times as many women as men suffer the chronic pain that comes from the loss of movement in and the fracture of hip joints ?
13 It has been known for some time that the inactive form of ALDH2 is present in about 50% of Japanese and Chinese and is associated with high acetaldehyde concentrations , an exaggerated flush response to alcohol , and seems to protect against alcoholism .
14 It has been known for some time that versatile plastics could be made from vegetable matter but production costs have been prohibitive .
15 It has been known for some time that the Inland Revenue has been taking a close interest in the marketing practices of livestock farmers in parts of Wales and the West Country .
16 It 's been known for some time that dioxins are created when chlorine is used to make paper white , but in many situations it 's been difficult to find substitutes .
17 A different mechanism has been suggested for those viruses that are already enclosed within a membrane in their free-living state .
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