Example sentences of "been [vb pp] up on a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As in so many other fields of English law , the occasions on which recovery is permitted have been built up on a case by case basis .
2 The different LFA zones in the Auvergne have been drawn up on a Commune by Commune basis , each Commune being allocated completely to one zone or another with the exception of 11 Communes which are partly within one or other of the zones .
3 Lisa Benner — police believe that her body has been washed up on a beach in Kent
4 There is evidence that the present east gable is a replacement , made very soon , for another , likewise with a battle , which seems then to have been set up on a base in the sanctuary , its centre akroterion also .
5 His writings were later able to save a model child , the philosopher John Stuart Mill , who had been brought up on a system of intensive reading and deprived of the ‘ culture of the feelings ’ .
6 Most of them were professional or business men but a high proportion had been brought up on a croft .
7 The hay had been brought up on a wain in front of which two of the farm horses stood , blowing plumes of steamy breath .
8 A younger generation , or at least a younger American generation , has been brought up on a list of acid tests , invented to get rid of the boiled oatmeal consistency of the bad verse of 1900 , and there is no doubt that many young readers seeing Binyon 's inversions , etc. , will be likely to throw down the translation under the impression that it is incompetent .
9 Now I do n't know if you 've been brought up on a diet of men who jump in and out of bed with whatever women take their fancy , but if you have then I suggest you go find one of them to satiate your appetite .
10 Only in Orkney did this response receive a low rating which could be attributed to most of the people interviewed having been brought up on a farm and having the confidence that usually goes hand in hand with experience .
11 But she understood , because she had been brought up on a farm .
12 He 'd been brought up on a farm and had a way with horses , and his first job when he left school was working for a brewery breaking in the big black cobs they brought over wild from Ireland and put to use as cart-horses dragging the great heavy drays full of ale .
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