Example sentences of "been [vb pp] in an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most decent councillors have been placed in an impossible position because of the failure of the Government 's housing and economic policies to deliver the affordable rural homes that are so desperately needed .
2 Norman Lindop , as Chairman of the Committee for Education at this stage , considered that the Council had been placed in an impossible position by the sudden introduction of a new range of institutions ‘ and the need for urgent action to solve problems externally created ’ .
3 Much of the criticism was justified but to be fair to Hodge , he had been placed in an invidious position and , blinkered as he was , in some respects , he was correct in appreciating that a rebuilding of the Korean right offered the only means of preventing communist success in south Korea .
4 As silica is only mobilised in strongly alkaline environments and as gypsum and other soluble salts occur in the underlying zone of weathering , it is suggested that they may have been formed in an arid environment .
5 Tumour-suppressor genes have been implicated in an increasing number of solid cancers , and some of these genes have subsequently been found to be inactivated in haematological malignancies .
6 The two parts have subsequently been re-assembled in an exploded relationship ( shown in Figure 6.24 ) .
7 Most differences have been addressed in an object-level interface definition that takes bits from SVR4.2 and Solaris , which will form the basis of the UI ABI .
8 The Whigs had contemptuously dismissed the invaders as ‘ bare-arsed banditti ’ , an ill judged description , for many of their officers had served in the English army and the force had been organised in an orthodox fashion , into divisions and regiments , often based on individual clans .
9 And it 's a patch clamp recording which has been done in an inside-out patch , that is with the physiological inside of the membrane facing the bathing medium , so we have experimental control over what the er physiological inside of the membrane is seeing here .
10 Things could have been done in an underhand way , but I insisted that Hibs ask for permission to speak to me .
11 Yet this exceedingly sensible system has not always been applied in an even-handed manner .
12 In some villages the occupational community has been reconstituted in an attenuated form on the council housing estate or among the tied cottages of the ‘ farm-centred ’ community , but in either case a new dichotomy has emerged between those who have chosen to live in the countryside and those who remain there because of their employment or some other force of circumstances .
13 This principle has been used in an ingenious way in hydrogels .
14 However , no complete account has been preserved in an Egyptian text , although plenty of references and additional and varying details are found in Egyptian religious writings and monumental inscriptions .
15 Lord Justice Taylor , recently appointed Lord Chief Justice , said that the 95 deaths during and after the 1989 FA Cup semi-final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest might have been avoided in an all-seat stadium .
16 Candidates will have been ranked in an unalterable order of preference by the party , and the first five will be named on the ballot paper .
17 Caroline Little for family reasons had to give up many of her recreational classes , but started a class for stroke victims which has provided so beneficial and popular that it has now been recognised in an official capacity .
18 This was carried out on-line , although a similar method has been employed in an off-line study ( Bozinovic and Srihari , 1989 ) .
19 ONE of Britain 's rarest bugs , never before seen in Scotland , has been found in an ancient woodland in Fife .
20 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
21 Having no evidence against the defendant , they falsely asserted that his fingerprint had been found in an incriminating place in order to elicit admissions from him .
22 Enlarged ventricles have been found in an identical twin who develops schizophrenia , compared to the one who does not .
23 André Cluytens recorded Ravel 's orchestral works in the early 1960s and most of them , apart from his complete Daphnis et Chloë , have been packaged in an attractive set .
24 The confusion in Germany 's nuclear regulatory laws has been underlined by an incident in which 300 cubic metres of nuclear waste has been stored in an unlicensed tip on the orders of the federal Environment Minister , Heinz Töpfer .
25 Shadow health secretary David Blunkett protested that the ‘ record ’ 50p rise should have been announced in an oral statement to the House , giving members the chance to question it .
26 Some of the Continental examples , for instance the headband from Cologne , St Severinus grave 73 , is very similar in design to one from Chessell Down grave 45 , and that from Saint-Denis , Paris grave 9 and Planig , Rheinhessen , Germany are similar to some Kentish braids ; they are , however , made of silk and no silk has yet been identified in an Anglo-Saxon grave .
27 A further example of Rotz 's work has been identified in an anonymous chart of the English Channel , c .1543 ( British Library , Cotton I.ii.65.66 ) .
28 His abrupt departure from positions of influence in Senegalese politics had been signalled in an extensive Cabinet reshuffle carried out on March 27 , when he was dropped from the post of Secretary-General to the Presidency and Minister of State , a post he had held since January 1981 .
29 This question has been discussed in an interesting paper by Matzner and Tipler ( 1984 ) .
30 The new houses had been left in an untidy state .
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