Example sentences of "been [adv] [vb pp] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The scope of our work for the purpose of this report was limited to confirming that the directors are entitled to deliver abbreviated accounts and that the abbreviated accounts have been properly prepared from the full financial statements .
2 By the time the member states were ready to discuss it in March 1952 , the document under consideration had been so diluted from the original scheme as to present no dangers at all to national authority control over agriculture .
3 The manhood of England has been largely alienated from the organised Churches because we have been so absorbed by the interests of the individual soul as to neglect the woes of society , and so preoccupied with the delights of heaven as to overlook some of the most urgent duties of earth .
4 Genuine American bric-a-brac has been specially imported from the Deep South for the £820,000 restaurant .
5 Chords based on whole-tones can occur in many other systems , even in diatonic harmony ( e.g. the ninth chord G , B , F , A ) , but of course they sound perfectly in place and not as if they have merely been temporarily extracted from the whole-tone system .
6 Forces from these garrisons have been used on several occasions against recalcitrant East European governments , though with the one exception of the limited uprising in the GDR in 1953 , they have always been extensively reinforced from the Western Military Districts of the USSR .
7 HOME LOAN borrowers have been partially cushioned from the full effect of the doubling of base rates in the last 18 months .
8 First created in the 1850s , the formula of this classic toilet water has been respectfully adapted from the original recipe in accordance with current ‘ sensitive issues ’ concerning ingredients .
9 Now C. homini- vorax has been completely eradicated from the southeastern and south-western states of the US and from Curacao and Puerto Rico .
10 A similar rate of decay is seen if LTP is induced in synapses that have been surgically isolated from the major site of protein synthesis in the cell body layer .
11 Local press reports said that former President Traore had been hurriedly moved from the Kati barracks , where he had been held in detention .
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