Example sentences of "been [adj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 We 've got certain rules that say all children must sit certain exams at certain times , it has n't been possible to do it in the labs
2 The wall opposite the sink and the window was covered with an oak dresser , very old and probably valuable , if it had been possible to remove it from the wall without its collapse , and the original row of bells still hung over the door each with its Gothic script ; drawing room , dining room , study , nursery .
3 It had even been easy following them from the racecourse , as when I went out to where my driver had parked his car I had a clear view from a distance of Daffodil at the exit gate being spooned into a royal blue Rolls-Royce by Filmer and her chauffeur .
4 It had been impossible to thwart him under the glare of media attention back at the restaurant , and she was still trying to decide how to deal with the situation if he wanted to come in with her when they reached her apartment — and she knew he would want to .
5 The four — and a sick Jon Tinker who had been unable to accompany them on the summit bid — scrambled from the disintegrating tent at 9am on Christmas Eve and fled downhill .
6 There is nothing left either in womanpower or funds to devote to blowing our own trumpet , so we have been unable to impress you with the extent and importance of our work .
7 She was so devoted to the principle that beauty is a frivolity and a sign of sin that she would have been ashamed to have it in the house .
8 She wished that she had been able to spot him in the crowd .
9 With the binoculars that they carried , they must have been able to see her from the moment that she set out .
10 I have never been able to see it with the naked eye ( as some observers claim to have done ) , but it is not hard to find with × 7 , and it is easy with × 8.5 .
11 Sir I commend to you the expert evidence relating to the historic character and I hope sir when you visit this site , although it may look very different at this moment from the way it would have done had you been able to visit it after the originally scheduled date of this enquiry , when the daffodils were out ,
12 Er I felt , I 've been after Danny for nearly twelve months to come see and not been able to get him on the night I want him the only night he was able , was available was I think it was one night when we had something else on I ca n't remember what it was .
13 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
14 Trapped in the revolving world of afternoon TV , this is a man who would have quite happily recorded the LP from the comfort of his bed had they been able to fit it in the studio .
15 I would like to thank all the members erm , who 've served on that committee and indeed the officers who 've worked for it , because a lot of the background work and a lot of the er , consultation with departments has been necessary to get us to the erm , reasonably satisfactory stage we 're at , considering the ext extremely severe restrictions on government ex , er , on local government spending , er resulting from the cap .
16 Keynes 's adherence to the Liberal party in the 1920s is a matter of record , and historians of Liberalism have been eager to assimilate him to the great tradition .
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