Example sentences of "been [adv] [verb] by [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This poverty was all the worse for the general affluence around it , and until now it had been little noticed by the majority .
2 At first the native community of the Weald may have been little affected by the expansion of the iron industry .
3 He was badly injured when a rowing boat , which he took on the lake sank , because it had not been properly maintained by the Trust .
4 What really matters is the ability to recognise when the cheese has been properly stored by the retailer and when it is being offered for sale in prime condition .
5 Cooperative binding between the cAMP-CRP complex and RNA polymerase at the lac P1 and gal P1 promoters has been widely supported by a variety of footprinting studies [ 18,22,24 ] .
6 The Court of Appeal in Fritschy [ 1985 ] 31 July LEXIS ( not reported in [ 1985 ] Crim LR 745 on this point ) said that they did not understand Lord Roskill 's comment , but anyway the accused was not guilty because he had done nothing in England which had not been expressly authorised by the victim when he collected krugerrands in England .
7 This inevitable tension which goes to the heart of the matter and which can be fruitful as well as sterile has been paradoxically heightened by the government 's capping of the advanced further education pool .
8 This was in addition to a $25,000,000 aid package reportedly received on March 7 to provide new housing in the El Chorillo district which had been worst affected by the fighting .
9 On July 16 the country 's central bank , the Reserve Bank , intervened to attempt to halt a flood of withdrawals from the Bank of Melbourne , which had been worst affected by the crisis of confidence .
10 But there have been some increases for those living in the larger cities , which have been worst hit by the crime wave .
11 The case of Perry v Astor ( 1935 ) 19 TC 255 is very instructive in this respect although its effect has been fundamentally changed by the addition of the second limb to s681(1) ( a ) .
12 I have had two experiences in which the mental health problems of older people have been successfully treated by a homeopath .
13 Of this poem and its cultural milieu , Patrick Wormald has written : ‘ Christianity had been successfully assimilated by a warrior nobility , a nobility which had no intention of abandoning its culture or seriously changing its way of life , but which was willing to throw its traditions , customs , tastes and loyalties into the articulation of the new faith . ’
14 The fibre composite model has been successfully used by the author and his associates to explain the properties of ultra-drawn polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene .
15 Worst hit will be the South , where people with high mortgages have been most affected by the recession .
16 Ms Dow said service industries had been most affected by the recession simply because there was no investment and Mr Coultas said manufacturing was the key to the future of Britain 's economy .
17 In view of this contrast , it is interesting to consider the views of the people of Village , the community which would have been most affected by the closure of Village School .
18 well we 've erm we 've erm we 've been rather tempted by the west coast er I personally want to see the Grand Canyon and erm I 'd like to see San Francisco so the package which is being offered to the Boots Association with whom we 've been away several times and we lo we like it as , as a , as a background because you 've got a rough idea , you know , the people you 're going with
19 He had even been rather touched by The Rat Jacket , that last flare of Cameron 's talent , and had been amused by the author 's recreation of his Hugh Farnham persona as the intellectual , bullying cop .
20 And here there is at once a difficulty , in that the general productive order , throughout the centuries of the development of capitalism , has been predominantly defined by the market , and ‘ cultural production ’ , as we have seen , has been increasingly assimilated to its terms , yet any full identity between cultural production and general production has been to an important extent resisted , one of the forms of this resistance being the distinctions between ‘ artisan ’ , ‘ craftsman ’ and ‘ artist ’ , and in an important related form the distinction between ‘ objects of utility ’ and ‘ objects of art ’ .
21 It is safe to conclude that at any stage of this planet 's history the world of bacteria has been overwhelmingly conditioned by the state of the biosphere .
22 Although it had been overwhelmingly approved by the House of Commons on March 19 by 273 votes to 60 , the Lords ' vote effectively ended the chances of the bill becoming law in the current session of parliament .
23 Although such improvement has been vigorously promoted by the North of Scotland College of Agriculture ( which is responsible for agricultural extension and training in the area ) , the response has , after some initial enthusiasm , been extremely disappointing .
24 Another medium that can be used selectively is direct marketing , a fact which has been vigorously promoted by the Post Office .
25 Of course that had been mostly created by the lack of money , but the instability she saw in Joe was n't that kind of lack , it was something she could n't put her finger on .
26 Not only does such an arrangement disrupt the child 's schooling — although arguably it has already been badly disrupted by the child 's absenteeism — but it can often also be a traumatic experience for the child , entrenching the resentment and disaffection which were among the major causes of the child 's truancy in the first place .
27 At a public inquiry held on Tuesday following the refusal by planners to grant permission for the conversion , Mr James Asquith , a town planner , said the hotel had been badly affected by the recession .
28 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
29 He was believed to have been badly affected by the death of his wife last April .
30 A centuries-old road bridge which is a protected landmark , has been badly damaged by a tractor which smashed through the parapet .
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