Example sentences of "been [adj] [prep] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Paula had been dry for almost a year before the taxi fracas .
2 They had been free for nearly a month .
3 The lucky ones have found jobs , of course , but many others have now been unemployed for over a year — or even two years in a significant number of cases .
4 The bungalow , in a pretty Worcestershire village , has been empty for nearly a year .
5 ( Roza , in her more affluent days , had been accustomed to quite a bit of sophisticated luxury . )
6 ‘ I 've been awake for over an hour , ’ she said , sitting on the edge of the bed , when he came back into the bedroom .
7 Wait until the baby has been well for about a week , and then reintroduce each food in turn , beginning with those least likely to cause trouble , and testing cow 's milk last .
8 Yes I suppose it 's true that for somebody like me I 've been involved in quite a lot of different groups over over the years and the quarry men 's support group is it 's difficult to put in words really er exactly how it 's erm you know I think it 's very easy f for groups to become sort of s set really and er well I 've always wanted it to involve everybody and I think it does that in a way it sort of er it 's quite special to all of us in in a funny sort of way it 's er you know we feel quite committed .
9 I therefore have a fair amount experience of this region and also erm I have been involved in quite a lot of erm estimates of housing provision over the years .
10 The Examination Council came into being some erm nine months ago and has already been involved in quite a lot of activity , I mean particularly the erm problem of sixteen-plus examining , whether we should move from a system of erm O-levels and C S E , or to a combined system , Sixteen-plus Examination it would probably be called .
11 On the contrary , they would seem to have been involved in precisely the kind of political and military activity from which Jesus , according to later tradition , is dissociated .
12 They had been married for about a year .
13 He protested that the Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , had been present at only the start of the debate .
14 Quiss had been lonely with only the castle 's shy and dwarfish attendants for company , and Ajayi was pleased to find somebody who already knew their way round the cold , forbidding stump of rock , iron , glass , slate and paper which was the castle .
15 Over the previous twenty years we had become preoccupied with structural arguments about regions and areas when we should have been concerned about how the service was run .
16 Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania-based Transarc Corp will begin shipping its Distributed Computing Environment and Encina transaction processing monitor for SunSoft Inc Solaris 2.1 and 2.2 from next month — the development kits for both the environments have been available for over a year .
17 Transarc Corp will begin shipping its Distributed Computing Environment and Encina on-line transaction processing monitor for SunSoft Inc Solaris 2.1 and 2.2 from next month — development kits for both environments have been available for over a year .
18 Demand for the new product , which has been available for around a year under MS-DOS , is apparently spiralling with orders received so far from British Telecommunications Plc , Sun Alliance , Citibank and retailer The Body Shop .
19 Meanwhile Dennis Peck , the erstwhile president of Interactive Systems Corp and the man who presided over the sale of half of it to SunSoft Inc , has joined Sequent Computer Systems Inc as senior vice president of marketing , a position that 's been open for over a year .
20 Chinese diplomats , who have long been close to both the prince and the Khmers Rouges , have outlined the shape of a possible deal to some of their western counterparts .
21 But now I 've been drug-free for over a year erm but I 'd been trying for a few year before that and had nay managed to succeed .
22 The General Medical Services Committee 's working party seems to have been unconcerned about how the public and politicians might view its proposals — otherwise it would not have proposed to increase professional control over a system already under challenge for partiality , lack of openness , and professional control .
23 Like Krakatoa , Mt Pelee had been active for quite a time before disaster struck .
24 On a crowded traffic way he 'd have been dead in under a minute but the barren landscape of this world offered little in the way of obstacles and the vehicle seemed able to right itself over the irregular peaks that occasionally reared unexpectedly out of the mists .
25 About twenty years after the sack of Aurae Phiala , Honorius finally issued an edict that recognised what had been true for nearly a century .
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