Example sentences of "been [verb] at the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to some reports Li 's speech had been revised at the last moment to bring it in line with the current Dengist campaign .
2 Representatives from the 51 member states , including 29 Presidents and 10 Prime Ministers , discussed an agenda which had been prepared at the 55th session of the OAU Council of Ministers on June 22-27 , also held in Dakar .
3 Representatives from the 51 member states , including 29 Presidents and 10 Prime Ministers , discussed an agenda which had been prepared at the 55th session of the OAU Council of Ministers on June 22-27 , also held in Dakar .
4 Those results would suggest that the other tumours were in fact new tumours , rather than persistent tumours which had been missed at the first cystoscopy .
5 IN view of all the talk about a resumption of political talks , I 've been looking at the last word of the Ulster Unionists on the subject , delivered just before the plug was pulled last October .
6 The problem for the hon. Member for Dartford is that , once he has been defeated at the next election , he will be replaced as a candidate by the hon. Member for Stirling ( Mr. Forsyth ) .
7 I revised a relatively brief article in line with the referees ' comments only to receive a new set of comments which raised points that could have been made at the first submission .
8 The formal decision on industrialisation had already been made at the Fourteenth Party Congress in 1925 ; therefore the Fifteenth Congress could be claimed to be merely a continuation of previous policies .
9 The Billabong had been saved at the eleventh hour .
10 In a few areas a detailed election manifesto has been adopted at the first meeting of a newly elected council as a basis for council policies ( Fudge 1981 ) .
11 Nothing was said , but his Lieutenant knew he had been reprieved at the last minute .
12 Each time they 've been reprieved at the last moment .
13 Suppose that an anti-Conservative voter could know his first-preference candidate had been eliminated at the first count , and how other anti-Conservative candidates had fared .
14 He wished that he could have listened to their conversation , but he would not have made much of it if he had been sitting at the next table .
15 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
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