Example sentences of "been [verb] [prep] [num] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their goodness has helped to make up the huge amount of goodness which has been accumulating for thousands of years and which we call the Created God . ’
2 When FDA clearance comes through the final product in a portfolio of basic food ingredients will be in place — promising the transformation of what has long been regarded as one of Britain 's most boring businesses into a world beater .
3 Shevardnadze ( appointed in 1985 — see p. 33738 ) had been regarded as one of Gorbachev 's closest allies and personal friends in the leadership .
4 The plot boundaries defining the crofts on which these houses stood also changed , although the early impression of great change and lack of order has now been revised to one of combination and division of consistent units .
5 By contrast , alcohol has been enjoyed for thousands of years and in moderate quantities is harmless .
6 David , 38 , and willowy blonde Serena have been picked from hundreds of hopefuls to star in Diana : Her True Story .
7 It did , however , come to light some seven years later that a Dr Bayley , a professor at Oxford , had been approached by one of Dudley 's servants shortly before Amy 's death .
8 But that has been happening for hundreds of years .
9 But that has been happening for hundreds of years .
10 It 's been happening for hundreds of years .
11 A part of this is personal : the shadow of Labour 's punitive taxation plans has been lifted from thousands of households .
12 She said she had been threatened with hundreds of pickets if she did not reinstate Miss Owen .
13 The rheidity of ice is a few weeks , that of salt about a year , but igneous rocks will only exhibit rheid flow after a stress has been applied for hundreds of years , in the case of deeply buried rocks subject to elevated temperatures , or tens of thousands of years for rocks at the surface .
14 The case in question had been argued as one of relevance of evidence .
15 Gateways were opening up here in Salt Lake , and things would be coming through the like of which had not been seen for thousands of years .
16 Her face has been seen on millions of TV screens in the chocolate advert , where she lies in a bath calmly eating a Flake .
17 He had been selected from hundreds of applicants with stars in their eyes by producer Harry Adair , and was due to appear at the Broadcasting House auditions on Saturday .
18 ‘ Primary ’ rainforest is an area that has n't been disturbed for hundreds of years and has reached a state of mature complexity ; it is also known as virgin forest .
19 There had been profiles of him that suggested that he was a jogger who had been bitten by one of Alex ‘ Down Sir ’ Snell 's pit-bulls .
20 Indeed , the look might have been interpreted as one of ferocity if there is such a thing as a ferocious duck .
21 It looks like the Army and Navy have been going for hundreds of years , Army and Navy Stores
22 Smoking is a very ancient art that has been used for hundreds of years to preserve fish and meat , preferred to salting because it does not destroy the natural flavour of the food to the same extent .
23 Additives have been used for hundreds of years , though they were not always known as ‘ additives ’ .
24 They have been used for thousands of years , one of the earliest references to salt being in the Old Testament when Lot 's wife was turned to salt in the desert .
25 ABOVE Trephination — the removal of part of the skull — has been used for thousands of years across the world .
26 The case ‘ will determine whether a seventh of British waterways … ( among the navigable rivers ) … will remain open … access to rivers that have been used for thousands of years could become open to challenge ’ .
27 During those 50 years ICI 's acrylic plastics have been used by thousands of customers for tens of thousands of applications and current sales worldwide are of the order of 60,000 tonnes a year .
28 The islands deal has been approved by two of Japan 's most influential businessmen , Gaishi Hiraiwa , chairman of the Keidanren ( Federation of Economic Organisations ) , and Rokuro Ishikawa , chairman of the Japan Chamber of Commerce .
29 My stomach feels like it 's been kicked by hundreds of yobs wearing hob-nailed boots . ’
30 ‘ It appears there 'd been a big row and a parting of the ways before my agent tracked them down , but my premise was right : they 'd been staying with one of Svend 's college friends at his parents ’ apartment on the outskirts of the city .
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