Example sentences of "been [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Pat in EastEnders and Bet in Coronation Street who were both , I think , wonderful before they got married have really become very boring now that they 've got husbands , and Rita , of course , has been through the terrible chastening and disempowering experience of a ‘ film noir ’ femme fatale .
2 Some of the delay is inevitably due to the way in which the applicant , having been through the preliminary investigation and the visit from the occupational therapist , considers the scheme proposed for him before proceeding to the formal application stage .
3 Erm Works , Q S , Business Manager , B E S have been through the same process as you 're going through today .
4 If it had n't been for the long hair and the high heels , we 'd have thought we had a squaddie on our hands .
5 Nobody would have known that he was planning to puff on home-grown cannabis in Wales if it had n't been for the ironic coincidence that another Mr Perkins had mistakenly opened a package addressed to the actor .
6 It might even have been handsome had it not been for the dark scowl that currently shadowed it .
7 My own preference has always been for the rough-coated variety since these can withstand weather and rough going very much better .
8 Oh , I wish I could have continued as I 've been for the last year or so , with no hopes or fears , and no pleasures and no sadness . ’
9 Again I accept the constant parental care has been of the highest calibre and I remind myself of the many tributes to the quality of that care in the evidence before me .
10 Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values .
11 If John had been of the same family as Jesus , moreover , his ‘ seal of approval ’ would have carried the additional authority of a royal warrant .
12 Similarly , the interglacial periods have not been of the same duration and have presumably not resulted in equal melting of the ice .
13 He had been under the erroneous impression that Europe was just one big common market , similar in size to the United States , operating under free trade concepts , and with common laws , rules and regulations .
14 When you 've been with the same bank since you were thirteen , you somehow feel they will grow up with you .
15 Cessation of hostilities reduced its political weight , but so effective had it been in the 1918 election and so important was the ex-servicemen 's vote , that it could have been played a while longer .
16 The ten privatised water authorities have lifted their prices by just under 13% ; the 29 statutory water companies ( which have always been in the private sector and supply water , but not sewage services , to about a quarter of the population of England and Wales ) have increased theirs by over 15% .
17 Tom from Freeland , who has , as he said , erm some experience because he had erm been in the Middle East for some time , speaks Arabic and erm putting a very strong point there , if you 'd like to comment on that or other aspects of the Gulf erm conflict , do ring now , three double one , one double one .
18 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
19 Well , his theory was that this guy was a writer or something , a historian or somebody like that , and Freud said it 's quite likely that in the past he had had either dreams about a similar dream or conscious fantasies about how he would have felt if he 'd been in the French Revolution and what might have happened to him .
20 My white silk scarf ; the irreplaceable Mobius scarf , the gift of Darren Watt , had been in the missing bag as well .
21 It has only been in the last year or so that the Government has started to grapple with major areas of social policy like education and housing .
22 My clothes have always been in the same spirit as Madonna .
23 Relations between Lang and Salmond are not good at the best of times but , given that the SNP had been in the same lobby as the Government the night before , it might have been expected that Lang would have been at least polite .
24 The children will not be back from their boarding school and it would have looked very odd if they had been in the same country and not together on his birthday .
25 The name unlocked Peter 's memory : Coleby , a farmer 's son , had been in the same year as Peter at Plumford Grammar School .
26 It was Rufus 's younger brother Julius who had been in the same form as Adam , a rather dull , pompous boy , a sort of phoney intellectual , and they had never had much to do with one another .
27 ‘ The whole thing might not have ever got off the ground if Maxi Priest had n't been in the same room as them when I called up .
28 In the Ethiopian revolution no one for a long time knew the fate of Haile Fida , leader of the left-wing Meison group : I only had his death confirmed when the Ethiopian lift-operator in a DC hotel told me he had been in the same cell when Haile was taken out to be shot .
29 Amelia may not have been in the same league as the great adventurers who scale mountain peaks , cross oceans and the icy wastes of the Antarctic and Arctic or shoot the white water rapids of unnavigable rivers , but she was a real traveller , ranked among those who actually get up and go , sacrificing security and facing the cold disdain of their bank managers .
30 Okay , just about it now Okay , gon na ask each group what marks they 've given and why , now it 's not for the other team to justify it because it 's all a subjective thing but the thing is we 're hopefully marking them against the same criteria as everybody else because we 've all been in the same place and listened to the same things and read the same things , however , now we know obviously it does n't necessarily mean that everybody 's taken in the same things .
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