Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] in [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Additional steam excursions have been arranged in West Wales , so that local people , visitors and enthusiasts alike can not only experience the nostalgia of a bygone age , but also sample the beautiful scenery of Central and West Wales .
2 Subsequent training courses have taken advantage of current opportunities , have been recognised in Adult Education and by the Sports Council , and most recently have joined forces with the City & Guilds working towards two national qualifications .
3 It is only in relatively recent years that two sexes have been recognized in ammonoid species .
4 In the past few years alone millions of dollars have been invested in North America , Europe and Australia .
5 While titles and locations have been placed in retrieval fields , this has been done to emphasize these elements and to stress the ideas of sources of information , seen as an important concept in history teaching .
6 The effect of mesalazine treatment on renal function has been a particular concern as mesalazine has structural similarities to aspirin and phenacetin , both of which have been implicated in analgesic nephropathy .
7 Significant changes have been achieved in work organization without having to create additional permanent structures to maintain the momentum of change .
8 Although all these studies have been conducted in adult subjects , it appears that higher levels of systolic blood pressure are present in adolescent diabetics compared to non-diabetics both in Europe ( Florey et al , 1976 ) and the USA ( Moss , 1962 ) .
9 Systems of this type have been seen in beer production , cigarette manufacture , electrical appliances and soap manufacture .
10 Many histological criteria have been analysed in resection material for their prognostic significance but were found to have little value .
11 Figures released by Northumbria Police yesterday show that 116 people have been killed in road accidents in the area in the past year year , a slight drop on the previous 12 months .
12 Only two others have been discovered in North America , and they had been opened in the 18th century .
13 in real terms over this period , and those pensioners will have benefited further since those statistics were compiled by the increases amounting to a third of a billion pounds that have been made in income support premiums in the past three years .
14 With particular reference to agricultural odours advances have been made in odour abatement since the publication of the Working Party Report and for the best current practice on odour control reference should be made to reports by the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service of the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
15 Macroscopic observations of haemostatic plug formation have been made in animal models , particularly the hamster cheek pouch and the rabbit mesentery .
16 Some extremely successful placements have been made in council day centres .
17 Does my right hon Friend agree that the figures confirm the tremendous advances that have been made in health care since the Conservatives came to power ?
18 Tachistoscopic and dichotic techniques have been employed in laterality studies for about two decades while the other methods described above were devised more recently .
19 Intended primarily for people who have been engaged in development projects around the world .
20 But ‘ old attitudes die hard , ’ and nobody I have spoken to from Tanzania is under any illusion that the changes in content which have been undertaken in curriculum plans and examination policies necessarily reflect a change of heart among all teachers or parents .
21 Weak magnetic fields have been detected in surface rocks .
22 Antibiotics and hormones used in human drugs have been detected in drinking water and our rivers .
23 Both NCp15 and NCp7 proteins have been detected in HIV-1 virions ( 4 ) and the generation of mature NC protein appears to be necessary for virion formation and specific packaging ( 5 ) .
24 The business cards have been left in custody suites and so on for people to pick up but the problem is I think are the drug squad going to service it properly they are so busy er that 's going to be difficult .
25 Already 10 systems have been sold in the UK , mainly to local authorities , and another 140 have been installed in mainland Europe .
26 Many different viruses have been shown in field trials to be capable of giving very satisfactory levels of control of their host insect .
27 Spermicides such as nonoxynol-9 have been shown in laboratory tests to kill HIV , though on their own spermicides are not sufficient to prevent the transmission of HIV — a condom is necessary .
28 Less than 1000 cases have been reported in world publications .
29 We on this side of the house , have a number of specific dis disagreements about the er way in which specific boundaries have been drawn in addition members will remember our strong call for an additional Scottish seat .
30 Abnormalities in several neuroregulatory systems have been identified in anorexia nervosa ; however , in most cases , these reflect incomplete weight restoration or persistent eating disturbances rather than primary dysfunction .
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